Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MASTEROFPEOPLE, Oct 31, 2011.

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    madball-for my enemies 
    enjoy the song

    We have seen this time and time again. What a joke...you people get "PIMD MARRY" and invite everybody you know. Before you know it, it's over within a week or maybe sooner lol lol lol lol sorry I can't stop laughing here...half or maybe even more are in a real life relationships which is messed up. It's sad you need to feel for someone else on a game/app....lol I'm still laughing  I think it's because you need attention due to you're not getting enough at your real life lol you people are a joke period have fun crying over the break up because I do....I'm evil, mean , and crazy ,so shut it \,,/\,,/

    Love it or hate it...I don't care
  2. Oh that reminds me everyone should come to mine and Lauren9's Pimd Wedding ;P
  3. I'm be there laughing and drinking for free lol
  4. Man, everyone's getting married but me. 
  5. I got pimd married.

    A month ago.
    It's still going strong 
  6. I'll marry you mich... But no wedding war :shock: i'd get owned 
  7. I'm getting PIMD MARRY to myself...wedding is I'm my head tonight 
  8. Lolol You're as much of a loser for lecturing people on the Internet.
  9. That's what she said...
  10. That's what she said. 
  11. I am a loser and enjoy it say something now kid 
  12. Why can't I copy and paste? That's frustrating.


    Actually I never said you were a loser, I said you're actions indicated you were a loser.

    But, at least you admit to it, not many people can.
  13. lol Yes I admit to a lot 
  14. Mop  lauren will be pissed  didnt you propose to her?  she said you did  whens the marriage 
  15. Yes I'm marrying her in real life silly not this fake crap marriage lol
  16. Thanks for the invite  mop did she ever tell you how much i flirted with her  jokes
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