PIMD MARRIAGES madball-for my enemies enjoy the song We have seen this time and time again. What a joke...you people get "PIMD MARRY" and invite everybody you know. Before you know it, it's over within a week or maybe sooner lol lol lol lol sorry I can't stop laughing here...half or maybe even more are in a real life relationships which is messed up. It's sad you need to feel for someone else on a game/app....lol I'm still laughing I think it's because you need attention due to you're not getting enough at your real life lol you people are a joke period have fun crying over the break up because I do....I'm evil, mean , and crazy ,so shut it \,,/\,,/ Love it or hate it...I don't care
Why can't I copy and paste? That's frustrating. @MASTEROFPEOPLE Actually I never said you were a loser, I said you're actions indicated you were a loser. But, at least you admit to it, not many people can.