[The Heart Locker]

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *MASiFFECT (01), Oct 28, 2011.

  1. This is an official Ace of Hearts relative marketeer gathering.

    A place for all new players vollied by  can introduce themselves or reintroduce themselves to the PiMD community.

    The benefits of The Heart Locker's Tutors.

    Experienced(Don't try to scam)

    Only players, not sexters
    Future profit in investment

    Helpful, will upgrade if leaving
    Effort worthy
    Awesome attitude :lol:
    Ready to volley
    Smarter than average newbies

    All  members MUST have their tutors post here to show proof of activity as well as get their tutors more involved in the PiMD community.

    You may ASK for a tutor at a specific price only.

    No outside advertisements for clubs.
    No asking for a volley.
    No liars or resetters.

    You help us we help you.

    You may however talk to these new players and hope they aren't too cool for you!

    To be perfectly honest...

    They probably are too cool to talk to you.

  2. Masi... You didn't mention the convo's in cc...
  3. Actually I should probably worry about the tutors you teach Special K.

    What convos?

    Are you saying I should take screen shots of the conversations with these tutors from CC?

    That ruins the surprise of finding out what kinda tutor they are.

    All will upgrade eventually, but uhm...
    ... I would like to make an additional note.

    If you tell someone how to upgrade, that's not teaching. That's guiding!

    At AOH we TEACH players.


    So don't try to sneak in here and say we vollied you and left you with nothing.

    You've gotta work too.
    No free loaders here.

    I'll call Slender Man if you try any funny business.
  4. Where all new players*


  5. The tutors aren't even here yet and you are not an  relative.


    I didn't give you my special notes package like I did the new tutors.

    And you best not be here to ask for a hire.


    Unless you just wanted to say hi, then hello!
  6. How about also adding in this forum post that yall kinda suck at farming?

    That "some" of your members should hold there "tongue" instead of "saying" crude/disgusting things.

    That really y'all may have stats but you can't use them properly and have failed to strip-farm one lone player twice? Who happens to be only 50kcs

    Just sayin...
  7. Roxey, kindly gtfo.
    Thanks 
  8. Sounds fun. I cant find any active tuts.
  9. PBM  Speak to -hearts-Phuong, she'll take you through the application process if you like...
  10. Or you could just steal them and be sneaky :cool: but ask her and she'll recommend some
  11. Kronoss....erm....hell no? 
  12. MASi, looks like you need to come here and tell Foxey to gtfo.
  13. FoxeyRoxey,
    I don't take responsibility for the actions of the club members @, I'm merely a representative of our newer players.
    If you or someone you know did something to harm the well being of another players experence within our family, then of course they're going to retalliate.

    Please leave the thread as what you have contributed is NOT on topic nor was it necessary.

    This is not a hate thread.
    Make your own thread to whine on.
    Please be respectful, I don't even know you and you're just gonna waltz into my thread and tell me what I'm missing?
    No, this is for new players to meet the PiMD community which you have made blatantly clear that YOU are not a part of.
    What  does is their business.
    If someone's a club farm, I'm only gonna hit them if I make a profit.
    That 50k CS player?
    Are you talking about RogueEGL?
    He can make his own thread and defend himself.
    If you're his alt, you can hide behind all the iDevices you want.
    The fact of the matter is you're a farm and a bully.
    I'm sorry you feel that way.

    Thank you,
  14. Also!!!
    Hello WebJunk!

    WebJunk recently graduated!
    CONGRATULATIONS(again :lol: )!
  15. 
  16. Go Masi!

    I'm tired of him accusing Zoey of being a *****. =_=
  17. Alright. Thanks Kronoss 