Zombieland. Please note, this feature contains Blood, violence, gore and very bad language, thus is a 15 rated film. "Hello, i'm Jake." A guy said into his recorder. "I am a survivor of zombieland, a cold, destroyed place, but, i have irritable bowls." Jake walked towards the toilet, double barrel shotgun in hand. "I have a set of 35 rules, without which, i'd be dead." He said into his recorder. "Rule number 8, always check toilets." With that he went towards the door and booted it open, and a zombie fell out, he shot it in the head. "Rule 18, double tap." and he shot the zombie again and reloaded his shotgun. Just then he heard to shrieks and turned around and sprinted towards his stolen car, two zombies in tail. "Shit." he said as he fumbled for the keys and dropped them. He sprinted a little away and remembered rule 1, limber up as stitch kicked in. He kept running and turned around and shot both zombies with each barrel, he then sprinted over to each one and finish them off with double tap. He ran back to the car and saw it was unlocked. "It fucking had to be" he said as he climbed in. He belted up, rule number 14, seatbelts. He started the engine and checked the back seat, as a zombie emerged, "These bastards don't give up!" he said as he hit the throttle and accelerated, throwing the zombie forward and smashing a hole through the windowscreen. He then shot the zombie twice through the head and climbed out the car. "Heap of shit." he said and reloaded his gun before walking off.