You look good in that dress, but it would look so much better on my bedroom floor. Man: I'm invisible! Woman: Huh? Man: Can you see me? Woman: Yer... Man: How about tomorrow night? Are you a theme park? Because I want to go on all the rides... Did you know men have (insert number) amount of bones? You just gave me one more... Panda x
Man: Hi my names (name insert) Woman: Why did you tell me that? Man: because you'll be screaming it later
Lol panda Boy:*gets ready to go on the bus with girl* Boy:ready to go Girl:yeah Boyk we can do it in the back seat
Do u have any jobs available? No Thats ok cuz i'm available I would like a (insert food here) with a side of your phone # These r good for flirting with hot people that work at resturaunts!