United Kingdom vs. United States.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Joe-, Oct 21, 2011.

  1. Cameron and Obama.
  2. 5 points to US....

    5 points for this;
    Who was the English Prime Minister during WW||?
    Who was the president during this time?

    This is turning more into a quiz...resume voting :D
  3. Haha, lol.

    Finish "Quiz" :D

    Continue voting normally..

    UK vs. US

  4. Nerd. 'nuff said

  5. I prefer the term..

    Cleverer than a 10 year old.

    How coincidental. A British TV show makes an apearence in a US/UK thread.
  6. To those of you who support the U.K. more than the U.S. you must remember WW2 and the fact that if we wouldn't have helped then you along with the rest of Europe may be under the control of Germany. USA USA USA
  7. USAUSAUSAUSAUSA
  8. THE UK IS THE BESTEST PLACE EVRR! I moved away when I was little and can't wait to go back - I mean come on who doesn't love the UK? 
  9. scotland
  10. No one can take the  and  brothers in arms x
  11. I'm not trying to start an argument but I just want to say: Yes, USA helped Britain a great deal in WW2 but that was not the main reason to why Germany lost, the main reason is that they invaded Russia and Russia, being as resilient as they are fought back and destroyed the German forces. Overall, if USA did not get involved in the second world war then Germany still would have been defeated. And on another point, the only reason your revolution worked was because France blockaded our ports and we couldn't get our navy out for back up. Vote for UK
  12. Buuuuuuuuut we don't know that, mr sir. Because the us did help. Now, if we were to go back in time and see how the war wouldve ended without the us help then you might be able to say that.
  14. I guess that means we have the french doesnt it 

    And of course America won the revolution because of the amazing motivational speech george Washington gave and their guerilla tactics

    And that was only at the battle of York
  15. You can have the French, we hate them. But if our navy did back us up in the revolution you would have been defeated
  16. But...they didnt
  17. But we won didn't we? It's history, we won, because we had more allies that helped us
  18. I know they didn't, but I just get tired of you Americans just shouting in my face about how you won your little revolution
  19. Haha someone's angry because Britain no longer controls America. I thought it was pretty nice of us to help u in WW2 after all the revolutionary war history
  20. I'm not angry lol, and it was also nice of you to plot against us in WW2