United Kingdom vs. United States.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Joe-, Oct 21, 2011.

  1. What is the purpose of creating such a post? To see what ppl prefer? That is drama. 
  2. Well I live in England so 
  3. The U.S has the strongest military in the world.
  4. @-SexySpartan-,

  5. And too avoid drama, please try and keep on topic, and answer simply "US" or "UK" and a reason why*.

    Phase 1:
    US vs UK

    Phase 2:
    <insert country> vs <insert country>

    Phase 3:
    <insert Phase 1 winner> vs <insert Phase 2 winner>

    People's votes can be based on;
    • Where they prefer to go on holiday
    • Where they were brought up
    • Where they currently live
    • Which would they mostly recommend to a friend.
  6. But it's not a good subject for discussion..creates controversies..just saying 
  7. Usa... But I'm biased
    I only live there
  8. Plus 4 to UK.
    Due to support via Campus.
  9. I can see where you're coming from -SexySpartan-.
  10. @Jace_Belren,

    This thread allows biasness :)
  11. Im from Scotland so I  the UK!

    But I go to Florida alot and its fab. 

  12. I'm going to boarding school thar. :3
  13. Finally! Another vote for UK! :D

    When I get some speakers later I'll hopefully see an increase on UK votes ;)
  14. UK tha best. :3

    I love the way it's built. :0

    It looks so calm and peaceful... ._.

    Some parts of UK at least...

    Anyways, UK!
  15. UK is peaceful.
    UK is calm.
    UK has wonderful sights.
    UK has famous landmarks.
    UK owns worldwide popular films, TV shows, a great history.

    :D  :D

  16. Glad I'm going there.

    Can't wait to go to boarding school now. :0
  17. 5 points for selected country for post 102.

    And yes. Do be glad. We await your arrival 