I Don't Get Revenge. I Get Even

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Azarah6, Sep 8, 2011.

  1. :lol: :lol: :lol: Okayyyyyyyy then
  2. Sheesh I can't.
  3. Sheesh because then I'd have to write some more
  4. Then write some more
  5. I can't. Yet. I felt high yesterday. Knowing me, unicorns wouldve kicked them and then a bear wouldve eaten them and then they wouldve gotten lost in his digestive system and they wouldve burned it alive with a campfire in it's stomach and then they wouldve met a psycho ghost.... And it wouldve made no sense.  kinda feelin the same way today but it shouldn't be that bad
  6. It's that time again! No, not time for you to run in circles again, but time for an update.  I just realized today.... I wrote this story from the view point of a guy. But I don't know why. And the girl is...well...when I think of a word I'll post it. But I can't think of one. So...I'm wondering why. Maybe personality facets? I don't know.  I shouldn't muse. Last time I did that, it was about Romeo and Juliet and I don't even want to remember where that went.  all I know for sure is that I don't even understand what the girl is going on about. But I digress. Here's the story. ...I feel like a news reporter.

    Jake refocused on what the girl was saying to hear her say "And then she was like 'He won't go to prom with me! But it's okay. Because I found someone better!' and then I was like 'You don't mean....' and she was like 'Yeah, girl!' and I was all like 'OMG no WAY! Go on girlfriend!' and we jumped and screamed for a bit and then she was like 'Yup. So now we just need to find you a super sexy date. SUPER SEXY. We will not rest until we do!' and then Bryce came up to us and he was like..."

    Geez. How the heck did she start talking about getting a date for the dance from if it was her body in the car?!

    "...And then," she continued, oblivious to his distraction. "Maci was all like 'Go ask him!' but I was like 'I can't!' and she was all like 'Well, why not?' and then I had to tell her what I saw, right? Right. So I was like 'He used the shrubs!' and she was like 'What?!' so I answered 'Exactly! He just went...in the shrubs! In public!'. And we were Ritalin grossed out together and she was like 'No. Wayyyyy! That's so nastyyy!' and..."

    She really needed to shut up. He was only hearing part of what she was saying and none of it was making any sense.

    ...Why was he even listening to her?! He had something to do. He needed to get his revenge. On Christi. He Just needed her address. And a good idea.

    "...But Bill was like 'But I WANT to eat the cat!' like the perv he is and then Grace said 'Yeah I know you do. But you will never taste this cat!' and we laughed and...where are you going?"

    She finally stopped talking when Jake hoisted himself up onto his feet. He felt her eyes on him as he turned and began walking away, toward the telephone booth again. Time to get back to work.

    "Hey," she called after him. "Are you okay?" Pushing herself up off the ground, she trailed after him. "Are you mad at me? I'm sorry. For whatever I did. I'm sorry for accusing you of stealing my purse. I know you didn't take it. I'm sorry for yelling at you.

    Dammit! He thought. She won't freaking shut. Up. Why, he asked himself as he reached the phone booth and entered, did she turn out to be the only other ghost he could find, and the one that never stops talking? Just his luck. Next thing he knew, there'd be a ghost murderer after him.

    "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings," she kept going as he flipped through the phonebook, looking for Johanson, "and I'm sorry if the whole sex change thing bothered you. I didn't know...."

    Jake was engrossed in the book until...what the hell?! Sex change?
    "You had a sex change?!"

    "And I'm sorry for--what? No! I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable about your sex change! It's okay, though. Your secret is safe with me. My lips are sealed."

    "What the fuck are you talking about?! I didn't have a sex change! I have always been a guy!" he retorted indignantly.

    "It's okay. I understand." She looked him up and down, like she was inspecting him. "I gotta admit, they did a pretty good job. I never would've known if you hadn't told me. I'm glad that you told me though! I can help you get rid of those girly habits you have."

    "My lord, female! I didn't have a sex change. And there's no need to help me get over my 'girly habits' because I don't have any!"

    "Well...you really do...."

    "Besides that, we're dead! There isn't a need to help me because you can't DO ANYTHING!" he punctuated the last words with two jabs of his finger. "I just want to be ALONE!"

    "I-I-I..." the girl looked to be at a loss for words. "I...I...I'm sorry...I..." Tears welled up in her eyes as she struggled to speak. "I-I-I'm..." First one, then two tears rolled down her cheeks. And then...she had her personal waterworks fest. "I orryed I iidnt...iidint..." she blabbered, not making any sense.

    ...Oops, he thought. I think I liked the talking better....

    Suddenly, startling Jake, she threw herself at him. He staggered as her knees buckled and he was forced to wrap his arms around her to help support her. She sobbed against his shoulder, soaking his shirt (why was his shirt getting wet? He really shouldn't be able to feel it.... Maybe it was like going through floors only some of the time. He guessed it was a special thing.). Argh...he'd die (again) by the time she was done. All this fucking emotion.

    "Ummmm...I'm sorry? It's okay? I didn't mean it.... Actually, I did. But I take it back now," he apologized as she bawled. "I'm sorry.... Do you want to...come with me?"

    Her sobs slowly quieted down until he heard nothing more than sniffles. "Are you serious? Do you mean it? Really?" With her head still resting on his shirt, she waited for his answer and kept sniffling.

    "Ugh," he sighed, then resigned himself to his decision. "Yes. I mean it," he responded, gritting his teeth.

    "Okay." She sniffled again, then lifted her head and...beamed at him. What? "Took you long enough!" Her eyes were barely red and she was smiling at him as if he had just given her the ticket to happiness. "So where are we going?" ...She was so...chipper. To have just been crying....

    She watched him just stand there for a while, staring at her, and her smile slowly dimmed. "What?"

    He looked at her, astonished. "You were acting?!"

    "Oh," she responded, relieved. She beamed again. "Yup. Voted best actress of Lakeshore High two years in a row. I'm Zephy," she said, holding out her hand. "Zephoria but Zephy is much easier. And you are...?"

    "Jake," he responded absentmindedly, reaching out to shake her hand. ...Wow. That was some damn good acting.
  7. awww these things actually happen when they get rejected like that but probably not the ghost part hmm dunno it hasn't been proved yet though.
  8. Yeah I know.... And lol
  9. Good update. best possibly of all fanfic section
  10.  no way!!! OMJ thanks!!!! 
  11.  thank you