Five role-play!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Salrion (01), Oct 20, 2011.

  1. This is taking place in a city surrounded by a huge wall with security everywhere. Everyone inside is a prisoner. The prisoners are allowed to do as they please but are kept under strict watch by the security. They are completely isolated from the rest of the world. 5 step out against them. Five hope to achieve what all others have failed. Freedom.

    3 spots are reserved. Fox, Bridget, and Ice. Last one is open.

    Salrion Grayson

    Hope this is right pic

    Uses dual glocks.

    Prefers stealth. Quiet, calm, clever, crafty. Know ninjutsu,
  2. Wrong pic. Here it is [​IMG]
  3. [​IMG]

    Like this but my hair is back to red
    Wears black
    Carries a sword and bow at all times
  4. Me duh

    Smart strong short brown hair and eyes
    pick me
  5. I need more than that cool
  6. Nice carries a super cool sword anything else?
  7. Oh yeah I'm a ninja
  8. Darn I'm too late, oh well
  9. Oh I'm musical. Vocals and keyboard...,
  10. A lot. Looks, personality, any special skills.
  11. I play trombone
  12. Sorry cool I don't think you have read the plot too well. I'm sorry but I have to decline you. A ninja doesn't fit the story at all.
  13. Hang on I'll post mine in a second
  14. [​IMG] like that but no wings n light brown wavy hair
    Nice, kind caring
  15. Alright what weapons?
  16. Omfg I just realized I posted my face!!!!
  17. Lmfao I know what u look like now!!!
  18. I didn't know it was u until u just said something.
  19. A bow n arrow n a small dagger for backup
  20. Alrighty Bridget