Guide To Being a Scammer v.1

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by iPBM, Oct 17, 2011.

  1. I believe scamming is no new method. You'll just make a lot of angry people.

    Also, this is just a sign of you being lazy, and clearly not very good at this game. This game is centered around volleying new players, and the people who know what they're doing are still managing to do this, making money. No scam required.

    And kick, did I ever say anything about pwars or credits? Even though I do believe them to be a lot more honorable than scamming. People actually either spend time to make the money, or use their own money.

    And PBM, like I've said, it isn't a new way, it's borderline cheating. For someone who's been here so long, I'm surprised you don't have more respect for this game and the people playing it.
  2. I make alts and upgrade to 5kcs.

    ... Avoid this kind of scam trouble
  3. Oo btw have I mentioned that this needs a sticky.
    There is nothing wrong with this method either I've had people ask mods about it.
    As for your comment about volleying we are volleying to just guarantied money.
    And it takes work I mean dealing with all those annoying whiners phew tires me out.
  4. Royale. At first i had respect. That went away when fucks like you decided to join in.
  5. If they'd make a PiMD alternative to epic battles this wouldn't have to happen.
  6. Bump.

    What? I like this thread! If they came out with a new way for cash huzzah!
    Dumb new crews! How are we gonna earn cash to ug if there arent anygood options?
  7. I feel like swearing at you scammed but I cNt
    Get a silence again
  8. Lol sticky
  9. So true.
  10. Id like a better version of this guide
  11. Using the word gay as an insult is pathetic and lame and I look up at Royale's game integrity even if "it's just a game" and if scam from randoms don't bother me, I still admire his ways.
  12. ^^ ur gay
  13. Roytoy's a noob.?