Just Coz I Can

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by --Blasreiter--, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. If you wanna get with me there's some things you gotta know.

    I like Forum Threads and DaBoops An-gels!
    DaBoops, Boops Ang-els!
    DaBoops, Boops Ang-els!

    Queue Charlie's Angels theme.

    -Poses for camera-

  2. dats me I'm Charlie Aka DaBoop
  3. my yoda is such a good ninja even I loose him
  4. Drake no
    Supreme is my yoda
  5. Yea I'm your yoda!!!
  6. Dam straight. You a good teacher tooteach me more o great one
  7. Oh I'll teach you :)
  8. MY OWNER!!!
  9. Lol boop this thread cracks me up
    Just so u know im as awesome at rapping as u are..
  10. Sugaaa battle???
  11. See Sugaaa is scared
  12. Where is my ninja hiding
  13. All I got to say is the  is in da house 
  14. I'll u if your naughty
  15. I'm always a naughty 
  16. Why does this deserve a bump? .-.