I would try to make this mature. I would try to be respectful. But no. It's way past that. The forums have become a fucking joke. Shitty threads EVERYWHERE, stupid fucking assholes thinking there all coolshit. Hell, I think the HSH forums have better fucking forums then we do at this point! Get this through your god damn minds- nobody gives a shit about your personal life. Threads like "15 and pregnant" have been popping up all over the place. If you were a responsible person, you wouldn't be on a motherfucking game talking about how some douchebag of a guy banged you up. Laurel-Ann, stop making threads. You're 9?Just turned 10? You have NO idea about what you are talking about, this is the real world jackass. So yeah. Fuck this, KaW is where it's at ATM.
Quit farming me. YAY I GOT A SPOTLIGHT The people love meh! You aren't a person. You are a lobster.
Oh, and by the way... People that keep the forums alive: Deviants Azarah MASiFFECT Sophieclairr Softball4evvvverrrrr Bruinshockeygirl Charlie202 Umm... A lot more... Can't think of any...