IF OU DONT WANT TO READ ALL OF IT PLEASE SCROLL TO BOTTOM If anyone! And I mean anyone has more than 40 speakers can you be so nice to spare a few for a girl who has to work her butt off on jobs just to get at the most 2 speakers. Oh yea the only reason I posted this in forum is because I have no speakers. SHOCKER!! I hate people who can post one word at a time for 10 sentences. I NEED FREE SPEAKERS NOW
That's not possible but it would give the game an edge make it more fun to transfer money,speakers,ect.
Once you buy a certain amount of dorms (I think it's the first 12 but I'm probably wrong) you get 5 free speakers a day and can have a max of 25 (unless you buy them or are a mod, Mods get 5000 speakers). You can't transfer them, they aren't giftable. You can't get them from parties or jobs etc. if you don't have those dorms open you'll need to buy them, if you do, just wait till you get more.