Does this look like a face that cares ... No. This is a pointless thread. Nobody cares if people hate you. Stop acting 12.
Again, what are you hoping to gain other than making yourself look silly? Leave it alone. Trust me, I could have been a doctor...
Saddam you are basically saying Damein's to all my haters thread is stupid and you are also saying damein is silly (of course he is) but I'm not going to post anymore but bump
Ok. First, use proper grammar. I didn't understand any of that. Second, what does Damien have to do with anything. Lastly, don't be a n00b and bump a hate thread. It's a pathetic cry for attention and rather annoying.
And in that post alone you made yourself sound like a baby. Posting 'bump' makes it even more so. Grow up and get over it :roll: if laura doesn't like you then laura doesn't like you. What do you get by people posting on a thread to say they don't like you except an excuse to wallow in sympathy?