
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. Srohj!!!!!!! Chocolate bites back!!!! *bites and doesn't let go* 

    I'm younger than dev. Dev is 18. And I am younger than him. 
  2. Nothing. Just impersonating the dead Iraqi president.
  3. I used to be Osama_bin_Laden. Then they banned me and said I was supporting terrorism. So I'm back.
  4. What are you up to Trae?
  5. That stinks. My day was looooooooong but worth it in the end.
  6. Lmao srohj you're Sooooo compassionate. 
  7. We were doing relays in ROTC, at the end my Colonel took the three upper class men who were there, and made us race. Well it was a two lap (1/2 mile) sprint basically. It was my friend who runs relay/sprints/hurdles/long jump in track, he is the definition of a track star. My other friend who just got back from basic training last Thursday, so he is in the greatest shape of his life. And then me, I ran all summer, and I do cross country, but not sprints lol. There was a twist though, second lap is backwards. So we start we are all staying close, when we finish the first lap my track star friend was about 2 yards ahead and the other was basically next to me. Then we spin and go backwards and I took off. I never realized how fast I can run backwards.

    So basically, I was predicted to lose and won. It was a glorious victory, and my team of lower class-men were very happy. If I would have lost they would've had another 2 laps and 50 push ups lol
  8. That's why it was worth it. Why it was long, is a long story.
  9. I'm freaking tired though. We did so much in rotc today it's not even funny.

    Plus I had 3 tests in one class.... on the 5th day of school.
  10. Wow...well I had work today lol