Srohj!!!!!!! Chocolate bites back!!!! *bites and doesn't let go* I'm younger than dev. Dev is 18. And I am younger than him.
We were doing relays in ROTC, at the end my Colonel took the three upper class men who were there, and made us race. Well it was a two lap (1/2 mile) sprint basically. It was my friend who runs relay/sprints/hurdles/long jump in track, he is the definition of a track star. My other friend who just got back from basic training last Thursday, so he is in the greatest shape of his life. And then me, I ran all summer, and I do cross country, but not sprints lol. There was a twist though, second lap is backwards. So we start we are all staying close, when we finish the first lap my track star friend was about 2 yards ahead and the other was basically next to me. Then we spin and go backwards and I took off. I never realized how fast I can run backwards. So basically, I was predicted to lose and won. It was a glorious victory, and my team of lower class-men were very happy. If I would have lost they would've had another 2 laps and 50 push ups lol
I'm freaking tired though. We did so much in rotc today it's not even funny. Plus I had 3 tests in one class.... on the 5th day of school.