The Better Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -AD_C4_Is_The_Bomb_, Aug 4, 2011.

  1. Shanaynay! Rosie o'donnald or george w bush?
  2. bush!

    Getting beat with a chicken or fish?!
  3. Fish

    Japan or Singapore?
  4. niether

    warmth or cold??
  5. warmth
    old or young
  6. Old

    Escape the fate or asking alexandria
  7. Escape the fate

    Shadow or sonic?
  8. Shadow

    Love or False Sex 
  9. love
    cute or ugly
  10. Glue

    Apple sauce of sledgehammer

    Talking al
  12. *Talking Wall or Endles Buffet
  13. ???

    Dogs or cats?
  14. Oh...
    Talking wall. I'm not fat.

    Cat or Dog?
  15. Dance
    Cuddle or kiss?
  16. Blue

    Football or Basketball?