VIP Champagne Box: Combinable Avatars

Discussion in 'Guides' started by -iLyssaTheGummyBearKissa-, Apr 12, 2018.

  1. Just asking …

    platinum watches give you male or female Avi?
    Or is it Gold watches? And how do you get to choose which Avi you want out of the selection?
  2. Where can I find the legacy box(new vip box) ava combination??
    iMoan likes this.
  3. Is there a guide for the watch avi and gold/silver chain?
  4. Missing:
    • Chains
    • Mirrors
    • Watches
    • Brooches
    I don’t recall the threads for these but maybe that will help somebody.
    LadyHekate, Hanabi, Vosovic and 3 others like this.
  5. Buying: Lovely Mirror
    Tier 1: 10-15c each
    Tier 2: 1🍱10c-1🍱35c each
    Tier 3: 3🍱30c-5🍱20c each
    Tier 4: 7🍱20c-11🍱10c each

    Do wall/gift if selling any :rolleyes:
    RoyalMistress likes this.
  7. Thread has been updated, huge thank you to @Atlas for helping me find images ❤️
    So sorry for the delay, my life been a bit crazy, hope the update helps!
    FoxBaby, CapedClown, --Tifa and 3 others like this.
  8. Where's the news combinable Avis ?
  9. Head to page one of the thread and all combo should be there under the spoiler tabs 🧡
  10. Thanks for all the work put into updating the thread!
  12. Buying Instant Platinum Watches
  13. Trading obsidian brooch for pearl brooch