Hi hi, PIMD! It’s your breaking-and-entering homegirl Goldilocks here for some party info I could never find in the forums. “Which action should I do first on the party to make the most money?”, I hear you ask. Well, I have done the research so you don’t have to! I decided to do some research and experimenting (from this cozy lil bear house I found) into what bars make most money in parties and have come to the following conclusions. You may be surprised to see my findings, O Cash Bar Lovers! The below ranking accounts for not only cash per action, but also profit per full unload and money per 1% of energy used 🤓 ① 🥇 DANCE: in parties, this is the BOTTOM RIGHT action. This action makes the most money in parties. ② 🥈 PRANK: in parties, this is the TOP LEFT action. This action makes the second most amount of money in parties. ③ 🥉 FIGHT: in parties this is actually the TOP RIGHT action. This action makes the third most amount of money in parties. ④ 📉 EAVESDROP: in parties this is actually the BOTTOM LEFT action. This action makes the fourth most amount of money in parties. Now, this research was only about cash. Drops are another matter and hit priority is actually in this order instead: Prank>Fight>Dance>Eavesdrop If you would like my unsolicited personal opinion, if you want to both prioritize drops and money, I would prioritize the the above actions because, in reality, apart from Eavesdropping (which is really the poorest of actions), the difference in cash income between the actions are just a matter of tiny and almost negligible percentage differences. Now, having tested everything, I know what feels “just right” for me! I hope this helps others. Goldilocks, checking out till next time 🐻🐻🐻
Can you post the data, too, or make a google sheets with a copy of it for us to view? Thanxxxx also you can get your energy as low as possible to get a dance with full payout from only 1% energy lost so if ur hitting from empty, that will ramp up your $$ earnt.
I recently did some testing on this as well and my findings were the same. I did the same tests with this acc (154mcs int build) and another (11.3mcs str build) and the differenes in payout from actions was consistent with very minor wiggle which can be attributed to android number shortening/rounding. Assuming you're just doing a full unload and using Fight actions as a baseline, as it's the worst action in ec parties, Prank is ~5% better, while Dance actions are ~8.5% better. These are consistent for potd but potd has Eavesdrop actions which are a whopping ~40% WORSE than Fight actions assuming a full unload. I have the data I collected and used but it's a lot of chicken scratch and not organized very well lol
I haven’t been tracking cash per percent energy, but my experience with drops is pretty similar. I’m 80 mcs, and for dances, it takes me 9 hits (54% energy) to get max POTD drops. For pranks, it takes 19 hits (57% energy) to get max drops, less good than dances. For fights, it takes 12 hits (60% energy) to get max drops. However, the difference between 11 and 12 hits is so minuscule (127 vs 128 main story drops) that getting full drops isn’t worth it. At 11 hits, fights are slightly more energy efficient than pranks. Eavesdrops take 37 hits (74% energy) for max drops, and like everyone else noted, are by far the worst party action in efficiency. So basically, dances are the best in efficiency for drops, and fights and pranks are just slightly behind. Eavesdrops are worse than the others by a considerable margin, and I avoid doing them as much as possible.
Thank you very much, Reee! So, I did not research the drop rate myself but read a previous post. However, since you have kindly posted your research on drops, I am really glad that that the cash and drop rate for actions are in the same order! In that case, please DISREGARD the last part of my original post completely. i shall post my workings out and technical analysis regarding cash per action to-morrow as requested by Kefo. 🐻🐻🐻
Hello Kefo! Firstly, I would like to thank you for always contributing so much to the PIMD community over so many years. My experiment using party Art Starzz as an example: Dance: On a full bar, I made 2.108b 1 action = 124m 1% is 20m Prank: FB was 2.039B 1 action = 59m 1% is 19m Fight: FB I made 1.904B 1 action = 95m 1% is 19m The difference with prank is tiny but the smaller numbers that I cut off eventually added up to a 25m difference for me after a full bar. Eavesdrop: FB 1.778B 1 action is 35m 1% is 17m These figures obviously only correspond to the size and plunder from tutors at the time of this experiment and will be different to everyone else.
Sigh, snark, lecture, rave, etc are just simply renamed versions of dance, prank, ed, and fight to fit into the theme of the party and don’t make a difference to pay or action. They are placed differently to PvP, though, which is my reason for just labelling the actions as “top right” and “bottom left”, for example. I do have a question to ask for anyone that may know, though. If a nekky player (no tuts) were to prank a party, would they get full payout relative to their stats? Or, do tuts also affect prank and ed actions on parties like they do for the the “cash bar” actions? 🐻🐻🐻
Ah. Okay. Thank you. I have been trying to figure out if the “non-cash bars” are affected by tutor bonus or not as well, so your answer helps a lot. Thank you ☺️
I don't know if it's been tested but I feel it has to. 17m/1% for ed if it's unaffected by tutors is very high when dance is giving 20m/1%. Consider that sans tutors, you'd be getting like 8m/1% from dance. and eavesdrops would be making you absolute bank in comparison.