Where is this Co-Z bed from?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Takadoshika, Mar 2, 2025.

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  1. [​IMG] Hello! I Found this Bed in my starred and I’m wondering from where it’s from?
    If I look up “Co-Z” in forum nothing comes up.

    also, I’m looking for the price of it?
  2. Idk if the picture works but it’s “Co-Z” Bed
  3. Co-Z items are one of the earlier buddy box items we had. The ones you/your club get awarded when purchasing ec/dns in the game.

    They've since been moved to the legacy box inside the social box so those items are a little harder to come by for rewards.
    Takadoshika, Reee and Seriously like this.
  4. Oh! So it is somewhat high priced right?
    Thank you!
    Would you say 5b is okay for it?
  5. Probly higher tbh. For example the 499 last i seen was worth about 32b and 999 worth 180b.

    Im pritty sure its the 1st ever set of buddy box furniture
    Takadoshika likes this.
  6. It’s that old? Wow!
    Thank you for the help! 🫶🏼
    DinosAreTheOldestCars likes this.
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