How to make mistakes in PIMD

Discussion in 'Activities' started by -Rinjani-, Aug 3, 2015.

  1. I made many dumb mistakes since the first day I played PIMD. Too many, I lost my count. I told my friend about it, and it appears she did some similar mistakes as mine. And we knew there are so many mistakes ppl made. So we decided to make a list of it. And found out other people's dumb mistakes on forum. Feel free to continue our list and laugh at it.. 

    1. You are a noob, don't have a pupil, and u ask people on campus to volley you. You became overprice, and never have a pupil like forever

    2. You are a perm of a really good club, and you leave without waiting for owner or admins to give you a permission. Then u r banned by the club

    3. Some people are bumping you because u have a new pupil. Then u suddenly upgrade to your heart content before ur pupu even had a chance to guide you

    4. You insult an admin or owner of a club because you don't know what are they doing. And u r kicked rytaway

    6. You trade keys for a rare item. Then you accidentally hit 'HIDE' button. DANG..

    7. Your phone is broken and you borrowed ur mom, sis, bro, and friend's phone to play PIMD. Suddenly your login is banned by ATA

    8. You ask on campus to be hired then your pup pm you, "hey! I told you I'm keeping you“

    9. You rp with someone without knowing his/her asl. Then u ask at the end of rp and apperently your rp partner is way younger than you are or a minor, or as old as your father, or he/she's your friend irl

    10. Someone offer a too good to be true trade. You immediately seal the deal (It was a noob and it only ask a key for a cat! Wow!) Apparently, it's a scam

    11. You trade without looking at the wall and trading history. You got scammed and then you read that people already write "he is a scammer” all over his wall

    12. You think this is some kind of Kingdom at War game and accidentally farming a tutor of an lcbc

    13. you try to battle an mcs and found out dts. Tried again thinking it was an error

    14. You try to join a club on your first day, got rejected coz you did not read the club wall saying 500kcs up only

    15. Your pup said don't use your money yet. But you're too curious and sent gifts to him/her saying thanks, and your pup message you that's not necessary, you should've just saved the money for the incoming dv

    16. You post your phone number on campus and got silenced the next 15 seconds

    17. You asked for third party account on campus and got silenced the next 2 seconds

    18. You just played PIMD coz u r bored and need to date someone online. You use your one and only free ask out on someone looking for rp only, and got dumped after a few minutes

    19. You use your free ask out on a noob looking for rs too. Then she/he stops playing the next day

    20. You keep hiring someone's tut, thinking you r volleying the tutor. Suddenly he farm you
  2. 6 one sting :lol:
    But like I said I'll help you

    Dumb mistake I made was thinking I'm a great player when I reached 5 kcs it was 3 years ago and I was in RP clubs those were there highest kcs at that time ( for RP club members)
    Other mistake I made was dropping from lcbc stats because of a person who apparently doesn't care about me .
  3. Dang.. Your mistakes are so dang.. 
  4.  omg you did it, soirse  i'm so proud of you ️️
  5.  you forgot this sweetie.

    21. you joined an open volley and the tutor was stocked on you. and your pup's scolding you every time you get involved with this coz' she had to strip it from you.
  6. Lol mom, u r right.. I remember this one too..

    22. You just woke up and see someone asked to be hired. You have 30B and immediately hire him coz u thought he was 2B HV, but it appears he was 20B. You cry at pupil's door and ask him to strip the tutor by reducing your promised dvp
  7. That burning burn
  8. 22. You don’t gift the dropper and everyone’s brain explodes in the club you’re in.
  9. Huh...? Like, your speech is bad but I could make out everything except this. Hide button?
  10. 24. You forget to go on an attack date, equip your strongest avi, equip your strongest furn, etc before doing pvp(include farming inactives, club wars, pvp hunt, etc.

    25. You forget to equip your weakest avi, unequip furn, unload til small regen(but not dtw), etc before telling your lower stats friend they could hit you for pvp hunt.