if i pay the same amount for downey as i do for a sp, yall better give the same type of rewards for it (cats, kinis, dns, avis)
I've been on my hands and knees begging for a chess hunt for *years*. They did community suggestions a few years back too. This community likely gave them a fek load to work with they just... don't want to? Why step out of the box and do something fresh and new that may attract more players back, or revitalise community engagement when we can just rehash the same few 'tried and true' themes on repeat that everyone's tired of keep disappointing the community? I've also said for years; ATA didn't expect PIMD to last. But, the whales keep feeding so they keep doing the same shit to keep cashing in.
And chess hunt isn't even a particularly interesting theme compared to others. I just really want one and feel like it is a very simple concept theme they could have fun with it if they tried.
I was wondering what these "Free" rewards people spent 199EC on were. 😂 Also lowkey hyped to see people like the idea of a chess hunt 😠I've wanted one for years and was so sure they'd do one, even loosely tied, when Queen's Gambit was huge but they never did.
You could take it in a few different directions. I would probably create an Isekai theme with irl chess tournament participants getting sent to a fantasy world like A Kid in King Arthur’s Court or A Knight in Camelot but you have to use chess knowledge to solve the court mystery and get back home. Though Queen’s Gambit and the 60s theme could be fun, too.
With the cat today, so far, in my opinion, I’ve gotten $14 worth of full price stuff for my $20. Trying to keep an open mind. (I don’t put a value on furniture pieces I’ve already maxed.)
It's following the exact same path as what was given with the Downeyfans pack, so we should get what we need from it
I'd love a Star Trek hunt with 3D chess, if we're gonna chime in with time travel and futuristic stuff.
If we don't get a chess hunt after all these likes and comments, it will really just confirm ATA really doesn't give af about the players. Sure these hunts are fun for new players, but for anyone here 5+ years... It doesn't seem fair. I'm going on 7 years. I literally have an avi to put on to match 90% of the "new" hunts already.