NEW CONTENT Animal Souls Shard Box 🐺

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Nov 18, 2024.

  1. I love the avis in the shard boxes, but I rly wish it was easier to get shards without spending money. They build up so slowly! I don’t even have more than 300 shards per for boxes that came out last year, let alone the ones released recently, just feels pointless for those of us that can’t afford it and/or can’t spend all day everyday earning :(
  2. Buying Feline Soul Shards or trade with my other soul shards wmo 🐅
  3. Trading all my animal shards for Fox. Or wmo if selling.
  4. Selling Sea and Owl shards♡ 5:1c
  5. Help me get wolf 🐺 ava please 💕