UPDATE Profile Updates! ✍️

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAClaptrap, Jan 29, 2025.

  1. [​IMG]
    What's that you see?

    Profile Updates!

    Hey PIMD! There are some new and exciting improvements on the way to your profile!

    Starting today, you will have access to two new options through your profile, View Avatar and Swap Avatar! Thanks to these changes, you can enjoy...

    🥳 Easier Selection

    😎 Easier Browsing
    🤩 Easier Purchasing

    Note: These features require the latest Party in my Dorm update. If it is not available in your region yet, it will be soon!

    Swap Avatar

    👀 View and equip ANY of your owned avatars with our updated selection screen
    🛍️ View all avatars currently available in-game in an instant
    😎 Avatar require a specific item or currency? It's displayed!
    🧐 Not sure how many _____ you have? See it at the top of the screen!


    Sort Avatar

    💪 Finding the perfect avatar has never been easier!
    👀 Sort avatars using multiple different filters, such as Strength or Intelligence!
    ⏰ Organize your Owned Avatars order, from latest to newest!


    View Avatar

    😎 Create a perfect match for your dorm room and avatar!
    ☝️ Swipe through your Dorm to make sure it fits each piece! (Shown in the bottom corner)
    📸 Get a picture-perfect view from the eye in the top left!



    When will this be released?

    It's being gradually released to all players! Make sure to visit the App Store and Play Store for the latest update.

    If you don't have an update yet, don't worry! You may just need to wait a bit longer as it becomes available to more and more players but it's on the way!

    I tried to buy an avatar but it wouldn't let me?
    After selecting an avatar, make sure to check above for the amount of currency you currently have. You may need to collect more!

    I think you should add _________ to this!
    We're here for feedback! We'd love to continue releasing new and exciting updates for you, so make sure to share any feedback or suggestions!

    Why did you do this instead of _________? I've been asking forever!
    Please keep any feedback or suggestions on this post to just these updates. That will help make sure nothing gets missed or buried!

    We'd still love to hear your other feedback though so if there's anything else, please share it the #feedback sections of our Discord server.
    Not a member? Join here!

    Enjoy the new you!
    #1 ATAClaptrap, Jan 29, 2025
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2025
  2. Ive had this, but yall glitched tf out
    Grenade likes this.
  3. i think this is a good feature however my only suggestion is us having the ability to favorite/star our go-to avatars so it’s easier for us to find. maybe create an option in sorting to find favorites? 🙂‍↔️ i own too many avatars to scroll if i’m honest!!
    iAriel, Psyche, -PA_Tiff- and 35 others like this.
  4. Agreed! I have way too many to scroll through. That would make it so much easier
    iAriel, -PA_Tiff-, MunaLu and 6 others like this.
  5. Ya it def needs an option to favorite at least 5 💜
    iAriel, Psyche, Maria_DC and 5 others like this.
  6. If you go down to the items section on your profile you can favorite avatars and they’ll show up at the top (on iphone at least, idk if it’s different for android)! However i do think it would be helpful if a “favorite” section was added to the “sort by” options
    -PA_Tiff-, NezPez, Grenade and 4 others like this.
  7. that’s what i do in items :( however i think it’d be a better option for this new feature to have in order for more players to have a reason to use the feature
  8. Android cannot star avis
    Psyche, NezPez, InkdMedusa and 11 others like this.
  9. Maybe even a search bar in the “owned” section would be handy too! Again, thinking of players with heaps of avis, adding the search saves time for scrolling 🥰
  10. Finally 😩
  11. First time seeing one of my suggestions actually be realized. I begrudgingly admit you nailed this avi overhaul.
    MayaTheHopeful and Gossamer like this.
  12. I like this update, but we absoloutly need a favorites section for the avatars or an option to sort by favorite 😩🤌

    I really like the viewing in dorm feature, that's cute.
  13. Is it only for android?
  14. CHEFS KISS💯🙌🏼
    Can we add a Favorites category?
  15. I love this 🤩 always was a fan of matching my dorm and avatar, so I really like the ability to see others matches now, too!
    I agree, can't wait for avatar favorites to be a thing in Android.
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.
  16. I didn’t know this at ALL. Bless you
    Succulent likes this.
  17. I know I chirp ATA a decent amount but I’m here to praise for a sec. The avi overhaul and searchable gifts are two GIANT quality of life updates the game desperately needed and y’all absolutely crushed rolling out both of them. I think a favourites column for Avis is also an excellent suggestion but for real, you guys actually rock for this new feature. Credit where credit is due. Keep on launching things like these please ❤️
    MayaTheHopeful, Gossamer and --Tifa like this.
  18. An actual quality of life feature people wanted? And ATA actually slayed in implementing it? Dayum. Nice job!
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.
  19. I honestly appreciate the quality of life updates more than anything. Keep on making these QOL updates PLEASE :))
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.