LIMITED-TIME CONTENT ✨ Regal Splendor Shard Avatars ✨

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Villanel, Jan 30, 2025.

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  1. I'm positive we all know what her intentions were with that comment, people literally do not get crazy until one of the avis are brown. Literally saw a comment in December saying one of the avis were TOO DARK because she was a dark skinned avi like what? But hey whatever there isn't any proof. Go off.
  2. I hope something amazing happens to you today👏🏾
  3. We can’t use other posts from threads in a conclusive manner like you’re suggesting. Silences are made with the context in the current thread.

    As a person I can make assumptions to intention, but allowing myself to do so as a moderator would be biased.

    Moderators do not make any of the rules or regulations. We only follow them as told.
    Delight, Ayse and Victoria like this.
  4. Ok thank you so much for the help 🥰🫶🏻
    _Thyme_ and Eros like this.
  5. I do admire ATA for celebrating Black History Month. But I noticed alot of the black male avis in events past have a certain feminine quality about them as seen in the Luminous Legacy avi. As a straight black male, I would like to see more black masculine avis that appear to be masculine without question.
  6. Lolz
  7. This thread is astounding, like the whole world is supposed to be up to speed on American celebrations 🙄
    LadyHekate and _Kosha_ like this.
  8. How is this so hard to understand. It’s not about not knowing the celebration. It’s the fact she was mad they’re all black regardless of what month it is so what if they're black! Theres no way yall are this ignorant on purpose. BE FR.
    Lumi, FastForward, Cremisius and 12 others like this.
  9. I love these avis and I’m glad they designed something so beautiful for BHM. I feel like the thread was not as clear as it should have been, though stating it plainly may have led to similar interactions anyway.

    But more importantly, these are beautiful avis. When I got the email preview, these avis were the ones I was looking forward to the most, so I’m really glad that ATA made these to honor BHM and that we can all work to get them together without spending anything.
  10. The person that started the whole argument has a 6year old account. I don't believe for a second they don't know what Black History Month is 🤷🏼
    ATA makes content for it every year. The point is that asking the question was ridiculous either way

  11. No everyone, Day is right.

    Why are they all black?? does seem racist but maybe they were just curious

    The eye roll emoji just meant they were trying to figure out their own question

    The broken heart was because they were sad they couldn’t figure out their question

    There’s no way to possibly know what they really meant and even though to a lot of people it looked like pure racism, we have to be nice! Never confront racism head on and always treat racist people better than they treat you 😊 if someone questions your existence or representation of your existence, you SMILE back at them 😊 that always works!

    While we’re asking pure innocent questions, why do we even have mods?? 🙄💔
  12. exactly they should’ve stated it’s for BHM especially since it’s not celebrated everywhere, to cause less….confusion.
    _Kosha_ likes this.
  13. Calling names, ganging up on people based on assumptions, telling everyone to shut up, ready to throw their fists. Some people are waiting for every chance to get defensive and express aggression. Nice.
    The only culture is represented in these comments is that of a hood.
    Hope y'all have nice BHM then.
    LadyHekate likes this.
  14. You have a 5 year badge and ata has been doing this for almost 10 years i believe. You have access to the internet for FREE, not being american isn't an excuse.

    Also if you've been on the internet at any moment during February you would see BHM posts. Hell ive seen dutch people posting black history month posts on twitter
  15. Their ign is LadyHekate
  16. It isn't just an American celebration. Your ignorance is showing. People celebrate it in Canada, the uk, etc. It's just not as widely celebrated like in the US. If you don't care just say that but don't try to make it seem like it's an American thing.

    Ata is a Canadian company and their HQ is still in Canada to this day
  17. so uhhhh clearly this is not the direction the discussion is currently heading in but i'm just wondering if anyone else is having an issue finding their earned avatars in the inventory?

    i can see where "flawless queen (2025)" dropped for me but i've restarted multiple times and it's not anywhere in my avi list. i'm a dude and i only really use masc or androgynous avis but if this is happening to me it's probably also happening to someone who would be very happy to have that avi, y'know?
    Seiekifumi and _Thyme_ like this.
  18. What you said is literally just racist. Ppl are defending themselves against ignorant comments and you immediately do "this is so ghetto"

    This all started from some girl asking why the BLACK history month avatars are only black but I don't see you asking her why she made such a racist comment but us defending ourselves is "hood"?

    I feel as though we have the right to defend ourselves when for the one month out of the year we're celebrated non black ppl are mad they aren't included. Out of the at least 700 avis that are released each year only about 100 are black. And I'm talking dark skinned with natural colored hair like brown, black, ginger, etc. and not some dyed blonde, bright blue, or neon colored hair. Why are yall complaining when this game already caters and spoons feeds you the avis you want and can have but we can't have the same thing? I can't even remember the last time a special edition avi (box avi) was black
    CherryBloom5, StarNomad and _Thyme_ like this.
  20. People of color have been quiet on a lot of shit, but once we start defending ourselves we're "Hood" most people weren't even raised in the "Hood" and best believe people from the "Hood" aren't on the stereotypical shit you're applying. But go off I guess.
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