LIMITED-TIME CONTENT ✨ Regal Splendor Shard Avatars ✨

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Villanel, Jan 30, 2025.

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  1. Right there's some of that lovely exclusive inclusivity. I love how me wanting to keep games fun and free of your racial politics is apart of 'the problem'.
    It's a public forum and you have no place in telling anyone how and where they can converse with others. I'd love to educate you more on why we should keep things fun and civil in a game but you as well as many others would prefer to be hostile and shutdown anyone with alternative view points of any kind. This is the real issue 🫡 Everyone will and should have their say regardless of the topic in a public forum. My point is at least keep it civil if you are going to force your politics in mass. Moderators even have to come in and ask players posting to act like adults and post respectively.
  2. Respectfully... No 🫡
    LadyHekate likes this.
  3. Ata literally does this for BHM every year…
    SweetAsYonii and _Thyme_ like this.
  4. Like I am genuinely asking why their statement was not removed. Because it was rude. "Why are they black" unseasoned behavior.
    Noblesse and _Thyme_ like this.
  5. You sound like 80-year-olds born during World War II. Race is not about politics it's literally just hate. What are you on about.
    The problem started when people started complaining that the avatars were black what are you on about. So blame them.
  6. Android people it's your time to shine🌝 they can't hide forever
    Anori, UnholySassySiren and _Thyme_ like this.
  7. You said so yourself that you live in South Africa. You were already uneducated in the significance of BHM then you said how you don’t even live in the US where racism is at every corner, in real life and online. I understand you wanting to play a game without the drama and speak of politics, but POC are fighting right now in America for their rights (granted they’ve been for years and especially AA). It happens everyday from
    police brutality to racial profiling.As a Latina i have to watch as my people are being ripped from their loved ones and deported right now, all for wanting to build a better life for themselves.So you cannot expect people to sit and stay quiet about why “they’re all black”. If someone is allowed to be loud with their hate and ignorance, we are allowed to be loud with our response to defend who we are. I bet you many of these responses are POC themselves because most of the time, we only got each other to stand up against blatant racism like that.This isn’t me calling you out or trying to start an argument. Notice i did not curse or belittle you(if i i did it was unintended and i apologize). It’s purely me trying to tell you why those types of comments have so much of an impact.
  8. It is a super ignorant thing to say for sure and should be addressed. I honestly opened up the event thread and wondered something similar but more along the lines of what the celebration or event was about behind it. Not simply why are all the avatars one race lol. If I'm not mistaken the thread is not very clearly communicated as BHM until like halfways at the bottom. Living somewhere where it's honestly not celebrated very much I am only aware of it when the events come up in game. I do take an interest in events and will hold a curiosity to the meaning behind events, because a lot of my experiences on pimd are vast with all the different holidays Ata celebrate.
    I can't fault players for getting upset but saying the things people have been saying while being upset are also out of touch and should be addressed all the same. Because yikes politics in this game ruin the experience of what's meant to be a celebration
    LadyHekate likes this.

  9. Yeah and I understand that. And I'm sorry about that other comment I made towards you I did not mean to send that, I was kind of angry in the moment.
  10. Sorry, I misunderstood your phrasing in your earlier post so I didn’t answer sooner.

    The post was not removed as it does not currently break the ToU.

    Being rude is not necessarily the same as being discriminatory or derogatory, and though there is an assumption that can be made based off the statement…as moderators we cannot assume intention when there is not enough evidence to prove so.
  11. I'm fully aware of the politics and history behind BHM. I just simply forget that February is BHM and get reminded when the event comes around on pimd.

    I hate to take this stance, but again a game should be an escape from the real life traumas and politics in life. I may not like it but politics will always find it's way in game and when it does players should at the very least be civil about it. There are always going to be ignorant comments and it's how the community deals with it collectively that I take issue with. It's always a position of 'I am upset and you're not allowed to have an opinion about it'
    I'm sure I don't need to explain why this in itself is ignorant as well and it's everywhere. There's blatant racism all over this thread and the overwhelming narrative doesn't like being called out on their own wrongs.

    Yes players have every right to be upset and speak out about it, but the issue comes in when players come in just being blatant racists themselves. The initial issue was one person asked an ignorant question. So a lot of us are going to go nuclear and respond in the same wrong way that we took issue with? The fact that many players are being silenced over it by mods shows the severity of the issue.
    Eye for an eye leaves everyone blind blah blah I hope you get my view. There are people all over the world who play the game, they're not all going to understand American politics behind it and won't when the collective is saying 'be quiet you don't have a voice here, you have no place here sit down'
    It's just not a great energy to be around where everyone does have a place to speak. I also do standby the fact that it should be called out when others are also being ignorant and blatantly racist in response to initial racism. None of its right.
    LadyHekate likes this.
  12. Eterea’s new ign is LadyHekate

    on an android if you click her comment it takes you to her account. There’s screen recording to prove it’s her too. Will keep her blocked and update if she changes it again. ☺️
    Cremisius, Gossamer, Payne and 14 others like this.
  13. Lovely avis and very cool idea when ATA makes avis available for all 💕
  14. Are these the shard avis like with the rose pins for example I need to know so I don't spend to much with my bentos 😅I wanna get one of each
  15. Are there gonna be box shards avis just wanna know I like these ones just wondering so I don't spend it all on one avi 😭🫶🏻
  16. The shards are dropped from parties & are free in the shop!!
    CapedClown and Day like this.

  17. You didn’t come here to understand our annoyance and pain towards that comment. You want to ignore it with your ignorant comments.
    So what Im saying is if you cant handle the heat get out of kitchen. Let us be mad, damn. It’s a valid emotion just like any other.
  18. Bless your heart!
  19. Btw I have some extra female shards if anyone needs!
    _Thyme_ likes this.
  20. These ones aren’t replacing the box shards! There is going to be a story pass AND box shards (valentines ones I assume) coming soon!
    And all these Avis are technically free. The four at the bottom are randomly dropped from parties and the others are shard Avis BUT shards that are obtained from regular partying.

    These were literally just nice free event Avis to rep BHM 😔 which looking back at the post - ATA arent blameless they 100% should have made it very clear these were for BHM. Way to undercut the representation you were trying to do ata ..?
    Either way the tweaking by people is NOT justified because this is an optional event smh.
    stay_bubbly-x, CapedClown and Zagreus like this.
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