LIMITED-TIME CONTENT ✨ Regal Splendor Shard Avatars ✨

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Villanel, Jan 30, 2025.

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  1. and it’s celebrated internationally in many different countries! it’s fine if you are unaware of it! it’s the ones who are aware that make it a problem. I was also just taught if you don’t have nothing nice to say then don’t say nothing at all, so that’s also why people are upset.
  2. I forgot why I stopped coming to forums. Players here get very political and go nuclear when they see an ignorant or out of touch comment.
    Everyone has the right to be upset and have whatever opinion they want. I just wish we could leave the politics and bs at the door. This is only a game at the end of the day and it's meant to be an escape from the real world dramas.
  3. Make a change from 6/8 avis always being white. What kinda question is that? Shocking.
    Loch_NESS_Monster and _Thyme_ like this.
  4. I did not say anything other than can’t make everyone happy all the time unless u made a avi for every ethnic person it’s not just black an white there is a lot of other races in this world for your information my bestie is black we don’t choose to discriminate about color
    maybe not for black history tho
  5. Wasn’t thinking about Black history month I was trying to figure out the VDay event my bad
  6. I am always happy for the fun that avis that drop from parties bring. I would have happily collected both genders. I think this year's fem design is gorgeous.

    I've made it clear I don't care for recycled avis before, but I realized I am less against certain ones, such as these for BHM and the Pride avis, making a come back. These communities have worked hard for representation, and I appreciate that recycling those avis supports that, alongside *new* content every year- which I believe is also important (like LNY beads deserved).
  7. Like I said was not 🤔 ng about Black History I was thinking VDay my Bad

  8. Because BHM Black history months??
    Payne, StarsGalore and _Thyme_ like this.
  9. So ATA are yall gonna keep this things comment posted on here ooooor?
  10. Shut up
    bloodhoney, Komi and MochaJedi like this.
  11. Reposting this.

    Additionally please remember that public defamation is silenceable regardless of if accusations are true or not.

    Correcting or educating other players when they are in the wrong is fine, but please keep your comments within the acceptable range of the ToU.
  12. That statement someone said earlier asking why they are black isn't rude tho??
    bloodhoney, CherryBloom5 and Pahuj like this.
  13. They changed their name after all the backlash from that racist comment smdh.... But the comments still there and you can click on it and see their profile and new name. How people can be like that I'll never understand.
    _Thyme_ and Komi like this.
  14. Pls gtf on somewhere with this bs
    Payne, Anori, _Thyme_ and 2 others like this.
  15. It doesn’t show their new name
    Pahuj likes this.
  16. pretty sure it's an apple vs andriod thing. cause andriod's forums are inside the game and apple's takes you to safari (or whatever your default is) cause i have had both and andriod would take me to a person's profile but my iPhone doesn't let me.
    _Thyme_ and UnholySassySiren like this.
  17. Many of us aren't American and didn't even realise it's for the black history month. Sorry.
  18. Omg stop using the excuse of “I didn't know it was black history month”. It’s the fact you’re mad the avis are black!

    I don’t understand how you aren’t understanding this??
  19. Stay out of forums then.
    Your comment is also part of the problem and I don’t care enough to educate you on why. So please mind your business on topics like this.
    _Thyme_, bloodhoney, Mesha and 3 others like this.
  20. ^^ Absolutely. Sure, BHM might only be celebrated in February. But under no circumstances does it give you the right to forget about it in March, April, etc.

    Every day, every month, every year, you should have respect and appreciation for the culture and the people. Black avis are a blessing to have, don’t ever question why.
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