LIMITED-TIME CONTENT ✨ Regal Splendor Shard Avatars ✨

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Villanel, Jan 30, 2025.

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  1. If it's black history month why would there be white avis for the BLACK history month based avatars?
  2. Y'all look so ignorant, God forbid. This set of 2 avis are specifically for black history month. All the others are older avis from previous year's BHM sets. And no, you actually can't do both when it's literally themed for BHM. You're gonna get your white shard avis for Valentine's day, simmer down.
  3. Also the hunt, momthly, and shard avis are usually majority white anyways. Let us have some black avatars so we can feel comfortable and included.

    Yall always got something to complain about omg
  4. How to say you’re ignorant without saying you’re ignorant lmao like be fr
  5. Ohh she changed her ign immediately following that comment lmfao. Ignorant mf 🫠

  6. you gotta be extra slow huh? the answer is pretty obvious actually, but yeah thanks for letting us kno how you feel about us.

    Happy BLACK HISTORY month pendeja.
  7. Really?? Another revamp of old avatars 🙄 I hope the actual month avatars won't include revamped February avatars 🤦🏾‍♀️
  8. There is new content for February, they're just bringing back a few older BHM avis 🙌
    Cremisius, _Thyme_, Collette and 4 others like this.
  9. Love these avis btw! The hair looks so good!!
  10. I wanted to say I love these. I came in to praise the artist but was disappointed by the comments.

    Why can’t we do both? Is it to encourage trading?
  11. Why is June all pride?🤔
    _Thyme_ likes this.
  12. I know for a fact I didn’t read that hahah maybe I’m tripping
    Gossamer, Payne, Cremisius and 9 others like this.
  14. anyone know the new ign?
    Gossamer, Toker and _Thyme_ like this.
  15. ^^ yes

    Highkey thank you for these people in here that are dragging them.

    There is absolutely no way you typed that and was like “yea imma post this.” Literally not a single cell in your brains, I don’t care how many degrees you have

    And even if it’s not Black History Month, asking “why…” is such BS. Like wym why??? People are more than just one race and color bro

    Like no, we absolutely want and need the representation and culture here so keep on bring out them BIPOC avis

    ATA I hope you take notice of these people cuz it’s pissing me off and lots others as well
  16. She changed ts fast
    _Thyme_ likes this.
  17. Representation is one thing, but making entire shard box one race is a miss.
  18. ?? this is so weird lol
    Payne and _Thyme_ like this.
  19. I love this new aviii look soo cute! And ofc black history month! ✊🏽🫶🏽
    Cremisius and stay_bubbly-x like this.
  20. I know many people have strong opinions about seeing representation in avatars in-game, as do I.

    But, let's try to be respectful to everyone despite some of the negativity that has been previously stated.

    There are appropriate ways to support this content and also give criticism, and we do not need to attack each other to do either of them.
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