LIMITED-TIME CONTENT 🐍 Lunar New Year Shard Box 🐍

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Villanel, Dec 20, 2024.

  1. [​IMG]

    Happy (early) Lunar New Year!

    A player-favourite Shard Box RETURNS! Please welcome...

    🐍 The Chinese Zodiac Shard Box 🐍

    How to Get Avatars?

    Each Zodiac will be represented by 4 avatars: Feminine / Masculine (Basic) and Feminine / Masculine (VIP)

    Click here to see 2020's basic avatars!

    Collect 800 Zodiac Beads of a particular Zodiac to get the basic avatar!
    Collect 1200 MORE Zodiac Beads of a particular Zodiac and that VIP avatar is yours!

    Once you have enough Beads of your Zodiac choice, head over to the Store to purchase the Femme or Masc version of your avatar! (No activator needed!)

    How To Get Zodiac Avatar Beads?

    Zodiac Avatar Beads will be dropping from Chinese Zodiac Shard Boxes.

    149 ECs to open.

    Hurry! These Boxes will be on sale at the Store from
    January 16th at 11:00 a.m. PST to January 31st at 11:00 a.m. PST.

    After that, the only way you'll get Avatar Beads will be through some hopefully legitimate trading. 🀨

    The Avatars will be available until February 15, 11:00 a.m. PST.

    NEW Snake Avatars

    These snake avatars are collected through the Chinese Zodiac Shard Box!
    Snake Cat Bead starts dropping when you have either of the snake avatar sets.


    VIP Zodiac Avatars

    Here are the newest VIP Avatars that were added for this release! The following avatars all boast 85/85% stats!

    Want to see the basic versions? Check out our last forum post below!
    Click here to see 2020s basic avatars!


    Please note you will NOT be able to achieve the VIP avatars without first having the regular set.

    VIP Cat Avatars

    Finally, don't forget about the very exclusive Cat avatars!


    Step 1
    ☞ Collect ALL 12 Zodiac Animals (either Feminine or Masculine).
    This will cause Cat Beads to start dropping from Parties you complete.

    Step 2
    ☞ Collect Cat Beads from EACH Zodiac Animal, for a total of 12 Cat Beads.
    For e.g.: 1x, Cat Bead: Horse, 1x Cat Bead: Goat, 1x Cat Bead: Monkey and so on.

    Step 3
    ☞ Once ALL 12 Zodiac Cat Beads are collected, a special Story will activate.
    Complete this Story to attain the complete Basic Cat Avatar set with unbelievable stats.

    Step 4
    ☞ A second special Story will activate!
    Complete this Story to attain the complete VIP Cat Avatar set with even better stats!




    How long do we have to collect these?
    The Shard Boxes will be on sale in the Shop from January 16th at 11:00 a.m. PST to January 31st at 11:00 a.m. PST.

    The Avatars can be claimed in the Shop until February 15, 11:00 a.m. PST.

    Where are the basic avatars?

    You can view those here!
    Please click this to view the previous forum post

    Why did you bring this back?

    This set of avatars has been regularly requested to bring back since they first left the Shop!

    We also added all-new VIP tiers for these avatars and a brand new avatar set to celebrate the Year of the Snake!

    Where can I get the items?
    The shards can be opened from Chinese Zodiac Shard Boxes or traded for from other players!


    Check out our Xsolla Web Store, which lets you earn rewards on every purchase!
    Only available on the PIMD Web Store
    #1 [ATA]Villanel, Dec 20, 2024
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2025
  2. Yall just made my day with these!
    Thank you for bringing them back!πŸ₯ΉπŸ«ΆπŸ»
  3. This is extremely disappointing. I have no words.
  4. not the recolorrrr whahahahha πŸ’€πŸ’€
  5. Glad you brought them back but the recoloring is getting old.
  6. Okay I have a lot of thoughts. First of all, I’m happy you guys listened to what we want to being brought back. Thank you for listening, honesty, thank you.

    Second, I really and I mean really don’t like the colour grading is the vip versions. It looks a bit odd and off for most of the avatars. The old version were perfect. The new vip version, not so much. But there must my opinion.

    again, thank you so much for listening to us, this I really appreciated πŸ’•πŸŒΉ
  7. I want fortunate snake avi so badly but how can I collect zodiac of em?
    Astrum and Espacio like this.
  8. If you mean the new snake avis, the beads start dropping once you have one of the old snake avis.
    SierraStarlet and Grenade like this.
  9. bro who asked for this 😭😭😭 you couldn’t just redo a whole new set for lunar new year?!
  10. The vip dog avi says rabbit underneath it πŸ‘©β€πŸ¦―
    Lite likes this.
  11. Really? πŸ‘€
  12. I love how you guys are bringing back Lunar NY avis, but I sorta wish you made a new 2025 version instead
  13. I want horse girl monkey girl rooster guy pig girl and rabbit girl 😍😍 the old are more than enough for me
    Collette likes this.
  14. How much are the goat beads going for? I didn’t get her last time the beads came out.
  15. Yes it says this in the post.
  16. Thank you for listening ata πŸ«ΆπŸ»πŸ’• and thank you for the new colors! More options for those that got the last ones 😍
  17. This collect the cat beads can be start dropping from regular parties or EC parties? It’s work?

    tbh I never collect of em before