To a players from 2013 and before that

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -RADEN_BagusIngarso-, Nov 17, 2024.

  1. Hi mates.... just wanted to know how many players still play this game before 2013... and why you guys are still here...

    Please comment down here if you guys are players from 2013... alt created after 2013... just dont bother to comment here...

    Seeing old folk still plays, it just bring some old good memories with their stories.

    Kay... may you guys have a wonderfull real life 😎 cheerss!!
  2. Up actually I dont know why im still here and playing. Hahahah
    Mythical likes this.
  3. Me too... i dont even know why i always come back to this game...
    Mythical likes this.
  4. Coming and going. It's a never-ending cycle
    Mythical likes this.
  5. As someone who just got their 7 year anni seems like after 2, it all is the same? Just kinda here hoping to catch something worthy of all that time checking inπŸ˜‚
    Mythical likes this.
  6. Doing 2 years straight playing pimd non stop is already a big achievement... i went emo quit after 7 months of playing pimd and coming back 2 months after just to be inactive again around 6 months later... and the cycles goes around and around... 🀣🀣🀣
    Mythical likes this.
  7. July 2011 πŸ‘‹πŸΌ this accoumt was originally an alt (Aug 2011 πŸ‘‹πŸΌ) but I made it my main so I guess Aug 2011 now πŸ‘‹πŸΌ
    EVENBuild likes this.
  8. November 2011. Just got my 13th badge but getting less and less active. Might take another break for a bit
    EVENBuild likes this.
  9. Hello πŸ‘‹ been on PIMD since 2012 here 🀣 never really active anymore just come on from time to time to see what's happening, who's still online and anything that's new πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  10. 2013~, 2016 on this account 😭
  11. 12 years here. I met my husband on here, lifelong friends. I like the social/community aspect that isn't as gross as other social media. Sorta like a virtual pet and something to taptap on my phone instead of doom scrolling. I take breaks but always seem to come back.
  12. June 2013 πŸ‘‹ good to see some of the old heads still around
  13. Not 2013 but yeah 2015 OctoberπŸ’•
    I was too alone joined a new job without real life friends around when I started this game, seeing all the real players here and talking to them swept away my lonelinessπŸƒπŸ’•
  14. I wonder if you’re the same Rosie I knew before. I don’t really play anymore. I just come check every once in awhile. Been playing since 2012.
  15. Me. Wish I had kept my old accounts. Each time I quit, I swore it would be for good. But I keep coming back. I come back because my life sucks and on here it sucks a little less. (I know: pathetic.)