PIMD:Reminiscene the old days

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -RADEN_BagusIngarso-, Mar 6, 2022.

  1. Missing the love of my pimd life MattyPOOH 😥😭☹️
  2. If you’ve played pimd longer than 10 years you deserve at the minimum a PIMD tee shirt.

    make it happen ATA
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.
  3. I want a tshirt now
  4. I remember when you had to spam jobs to upgrade your dorm and the first Halloween event. Sometimes I miss the old days of this game.
  5. I miss old dark campus.
    I miss seeing worst players silenced.
    I miss the colour hunts with various teams.
    I miss the time we can open 2 boxes per day.(no lite box)
    I miss the time when we can get even leaderboard avatars in boxes.
    I miss when players grinded more to F2P PIMD.
    I miss the clubs BTB(Most war winning club), Barcodes, Real Talk and Police Station (CC club).
    I miss CC club with day staying and pattern hits, later hits per hours.
    I miss the scammers Funky_Boy, Devil who used to say stories to get our misc.
    And many more I can't think of right now.

  6. Brother Matt??
  7. Hot take, I miss pwars 😂