LIMITED-TIME CONTENT 🎅 12 Days of Holidays! 🎅

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Dec 11, 2024.

  1. I understand the 999 not being recyclable since it’s essentially free, however it doesn’t make me any less sad that I can’t recycle it 😭
    Especially because it doesn’t say anywhere that it isn’t recyclable until you already have it. It would be beneficial if it at least said it in the description since MANY players end up getting “scammed” by people taking advantage that they may not know the 999 is essentially worthless if you’re buying it for materials. I cannot express how many users I STILL see get finessed over the KaW(?) 999s and now another one is in the mix? I could sob 😭
    Mythical, Tizzy, IcedCoffee and 10 others like this.
  2. I was surprised it was even tradeable ngl!
  3. Please make the 999 so it can't be traded. By y'all making it tradeable but jot recyclable you're Just encouraging people getting scammed 😔
    Mythical, Tizzy, Tiramisu and 4 others like this.
  4. Where do we get the candy canes for the last task? Will it be dropped generously on parties?
  5. Depends on the party! They are dropped from every party but POTD seems to give 3-5, ec parties give 4-6 or more and I'm unsure about ppotd but they're easily obtained!
    LeeJarrett, MayaTheHopeful and Muschi like this.
  6. Does anyone else hate the non optional emoji spell that lasts 4 DAYS?!? I want to be able to see the bat ones I got from Halloween and now I'm stuck with this one instead. Can there please be an option to chose which emoji spell is displayed
    Mythical, Tizzy and bloodhoney like this.
  7. How do I complete day 12 since candy canes are no longer dropping and that day is to collect candy canes?
  8. You can get the candy canes by finishing parties. It'll drop 3 candy canes (potd and ec ) except for non potd coz it'll drop only 1 candy cane.💕
    Chismosita likes this.
  9. Im so mad and sad rn i thought i had till end of year only to login 5 hours post event 🥲🤌 I had the 12th day left but got busy at work the past few days fml
    Tizzy likes this.
  10. It ended on 27th but rip
  11. I dont know if that makes me feel better or worse but ty for wishing me a peaceful rest ✌️
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.
  12. I would say better. Coz then you at least missed it by alot and not just a little bit
  13. Only had 8 more candy canes to get :/ now I can't unlock the 999 part of the second room. Didn't have time to get on the last day
    Tizzy likes this.
  14. There will be more opportunities to get the pieces to unlock slots next year!
    -Gon- likes this.
  15. Why end this so abruptly/quickly? This made it much harder for players to get the final items and easier for the resellers/scalpers to make profit, helping to continue ruining market prices and everything that comes with it... Seems counteractive of what was done to the candy canes, very disappointing.
  16. Also can I just say, what a fuckin horrible New Years reward this year
  17. It wasnt a sudden ending. It was stated from the very start when it would end. And its even in the title. 12 days is 12 days. Its not longer. I was barely active and still managed to get everything. You are just butt hurt that you missed out. You chose life over pimd. You cant blame ata for that
    Mythical, Miresa and Muschi like this.
  18. The amount of bitching and moaning lately is fuckn ridiculous. Its impossible to make everyone happy. They can only do so much. If yous keep bitching about it going off like a fuckn baby tantrum ata is eventually gonna end up being like. Yehh nahh fuck this shit we give up. And stop giving out extra free stuff at all. Coz they know theres always gonna be people who will just pay for it with real money
  19. Bro you doing more complaining than anyone people invest hella money into this game everyone have the right to say how they feel for improvements move tf on if you have a issue with people expressing their feelings/opinions 😒
    Mythical and Placebo like this.
  20. Im not saying that in a way of ass kissing. Im saying it in a way of i dont wanna lose the free stuff we ARE getting.

    There was already alot of fuck you energy from this event after people ruined how it was ment to be.

    And no one had to spend a cent to do this. Just coz you chose to buy from black market traders to rush it it doesnt mean thats atas fault. Manage your money better. Dont blame other people for your bad spending habits