UPDATE Silencing Policy Updates 2021

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Will, Jul 6, 2021.

  1. I wouldnt think that would be bad enough. Maybe it was something else? You should of got a pm with a copy paste of the exact message that lead to the silence. If not you can wall a mod and they can search it and find the message that the silence was triggered from
    Muschi likes this.
  2. I haven't heard of anyone getting banned from forums since they switched to the new forums in 2019. Usually they just block you from a specific post.
    iSUZ_big_fans likes this.
  3. We have forum “bans” technically but they just function the same as getting silenced in game.
    Muschi likes this.
  4. hi I’m Alex I got banned because I forgot to change my age to 18 I literally turned 18 a few days ago so I completely forgot to change it. Is there anyway to get my account back
  5. This is not the reason you got banned. Pimd is for people 17 and older. But no your acc is gone. Send a help ticket if you think the ban was wrong and you might have a chance at getting it back
  6. Oxjcjckwowjwxjhxxoohxhhdhcucgcvcj[​IMG]