Social Shopper / Buddy Box Info & Combinations

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Ayrshi, Jan 12, 2022.

  1. [​IMG]

    Low budget collage
  2. WMIS Cact-Owl completed bb item 😭
    It's the last one I need 🥹
  3. Here's what the two latest painter sets combo look like 💁🏻‍♀️



    Credits for combined showcase:
  4. Wait, so is this what comes in a Legend and Celebrity Box as well? Or is this just the buddy box that the club gets?
  5. Idk if this has been posted yet, but what are the names of the bb item combos that combine into the rainbow lattes?
  6. Under orbs & boxes spoiler. First picture, 2nd row right in the middle. It doesn’t say names but it does show what’s needed.
    flameSy and Stimulation like this.
  7. All the boxes that come from purchasing EC or DNs are called social boxes. The specific “Legend and Celebrity” box are just social boxes that give a different amount of rewards. And depending on if you’re the one buying vs the one receiving the box for the club.

    p.s. will be making/adding the updated collages next time since I think the next release is right around the corner. Apologies for the delay and thank you to the ones who have posted the combinations in the thread itself🙇‍♀️
    flameSy likes this.
  8. New painter combo here: Actually disappointing this time 🙁

    Credits for combined showcase:
  9. [​IMG] Newer bb item combos
  10. Image doesn't show bb
  11. [​IMG]
    I’ve been having that issue with posting guides but the combos are in my showcase 🤧
  12. Espacio, 2592, Tatoru and 1 other person like this.
  13. Thread Update:
    Quiet Conservatory/Joaquin’s Box

    The new collages have been made and sent to one of my mod friends! They will updated when they get the free time to do so.
    Thank you everyone for your patience and the effort you put in to finding the combinations ASAP🫶
  14. hi im late but how does one obtain a colour box?
  15. From buddy box or buy from another player. I think they are 1 or 2 boxes per bento? Its the last price i remember seeing for them
    Pet likes this.
  16. Not sure if anyone said this but the Gold crown is a Butterfly (Beebee the Butterfly)
  17. 🎅ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ʜᴏ-ʟɪᴅᴀʏ🎄
    ᴅᴇᴄ. 27| 7ᴘᴍ ᴇsᴛ
    1050 ᴇᴄs/168 ᴅɴs | ✅+1
    📓ᴡᴀʟʟ ᴛᴏ ʙᴏᴏᴋ📓
  18. The new bb combo names if anyone wanted to know 💕
    ⚙️Busted Gear: Georgie The Gerbil🐹
    🥽Grotto Goggles: Dave The Dove 🕊️
    👓Incognito Glasses: Noera The Supergorilla🦍
    🧣Armless Sweater: Eleanor The Earthworm 🪱
    🪖Camouflage Helmet: Benji The Bengal Tiger 🐅
    Ayrshi and venomspiit like this.
  19. Any update on the “pop art pad” bb items? 👀