NEW FEATURE 🀯 December Updates: Multi Rooms & More! 🀯

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAClaptrap, Jun 27, 2024.

  1. Now that we finally have the search bar in gifts. Can we pls get a β€œOPEN ALL” options for this dang speed up bags 😭
  2. Heck yhh
  3. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!...... To say I'm jumping for joy is an understatement. Okay, I would like it to allow fifteen dorms! Okay, okay.... Let's do five πŸ˜‰
  4. Interesting update
    Espacio likes this.
  5. share the ec’s πŸ‘€
    Barbie_Nunya likes this.
  6. Does the dorm 1 % boost apply to the level 1-10 stars of dorm 2 also, or does it only apply to dorm
    1 furniture and dorm 2 is separate?
    Joe201 likes this.
  8. We want a dorm where stats don't matter and it's just for cosmetics.
    Joe201, iDemon-, Witchee and 5 others like this.
  9. Damn I can have more water dorms packed together ❀️ 😩 😫 πŸ₯°
  10. There will be a new update for this :) Should be available for everyone on Android rn, but if you're on iOS it may take a couple of hours as sometimes they roll out the update to people over time, which is outside of our control unfortunately

    Your first room will be your background room, but we have lots of ideas for more customization to improve the feature!

    Yeah absolutely, I get that. This was the simplest way we were able to do the stat cap, and because it's temporary that made the most sense. We want to solve the furniture stat issue so that it will always be beneficial to upgrade your furniture no matter which room it's in, and that no one will go down in stats from furniture, but also making it sustainable longterm over many more rooms
    MayaTheHopeful, Kukki, Tizzy and 2 others like this.
  11. I've restarted the app and when I go to click the second dorm feature it still says under construction, anyone else or just me?
  12. Yes please! Excited about all of these updates and improvements.
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.
  13. I thought the purpose of multiple dorms was to be able to switch thru them as you please? So, you cant just switch to the second dorm for it to be on display? You have to un-equip your first dorm, then re-equip with new furniture if you want that to be your display background furniture? That kind of seems pointless, no?
  14. Being able to reorder your rooms is one of the future improvements we're looking at making! As well as being able to name each room. Nothing set in stone yet but just to give an idea of where we plan to take this : )
  15. Why was t this thought of before release tho? You guys have been pushing this new dorm for over a year just for it to not purpose for the function it was intended.
    Witchee, Tiramisu and 0-Felix-0 like this.
  16. great features. love the gift search feature. and multiple dorms. well done 🫢🏼

    the only thing that bothers me is ads. why shud they pop up? everyone knows ads are killer of gameplay even if they guarantee rewards.

    one suggestion wud be to allow bulk opening feature for speedboost boxes. even if its a small number such as 5-10 at once.
    also it maybe unnoticeable but skip button can be placed somewhere more convenient than top right of screen.

    thank you πŸ™πŸ»
  17. Y’all should make furniture above Level 10 still give a bit of a stat bump so that the furniture that we’ve worked hard to collect and upgrade don’t just count for nothing unless they’re placed in Dorm 1. If you’re concerned about players being too powerful, you could make the increase in stats logarithmic; I’d just rather have something than nothing at all.
    Joe201 and Kukki like this.
  18. correction

    just noticed the ads wont show up on screen.
    amazing job πŸ’ͺ🏻
  19. yaaay! so happy to finally see these updates!