NEW FEATURE 🀯 December Updates: Multi Rooms & More! 🀯

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAClaptrap, Jun 27, 2024.

  1. [​IMG]

    ✨ Welcome to your new Room! ✨

    The long-awaited second Room is FINALLY HERE!

    If you want to be the first to unlock the new room, make sure to join us in our 12 Days of Holidays celebration, happening in-game from December 12th to 27th! (Yes, that's more than 12 days. We're going holiday speed here!).


    More Rooms?!

    That's right! And you know what that means?

    πŸ›‹οΈ More Furniture
    πŸ’… More Decorating
    πŸ’ͺ More Stats
    🀯 More Customization

    Note: If you do NOT see the new Room, make sure to update your game to the latest version in the App/Play Store! The latest builds are 4.75 for iOS and 7.17 for Android.

    These latest updates are fully released but there may be delays from Apple/Google in making this available in your region!


    The Deets

    How do I unlock these rooms?!
    The second Room is now available to everyone! Before you can place furniture though, you'll need to unlock each slot using Room Tokens. Once a slot is unlocked, it will be unlocked permanently.

    Where can I get the Room Tokens to unlock furniture slots?

    πŸ‘‰ Check your reward inbox right MEOW to collect a gift to get you started on opening slots!
    πŸ‘‰ More tokens can be earned by participating in the 12 days of holidays Story series starting tomorrow! Keep an eye out for that phone call
    πŸ‘‰ Players who complete all the 12 Days of Holidays Stories will get enough tokens to unlock all the slots in the new Room
    πŸ‘‰ Too busy drinking x-mas punch and missed out? There may be another gift coming to your inbox around NYE! πŸ‘€

    How can I get Room Tokens after the holidays?
    Room Tokens will become available from other sources starting in 2025!

    Can I use a piece of furniture multiple times?
    You cannot!

    1 piece of furniture = 1 furniture slot.

    What about the stats?
    Stats from level 1-10 Furniture equipped in any room apply to your total stats as usual! Stats from level 11-20 Furniture only apply if they're equipped in Room 1 (your original Room)

    Important Note: Furniture above Level 10 will only apply the % stat boost if the furniture is equipped in your first, main room.

    Why did you take away the percentage stats?

    The short of it is that % bonuses are very powerful. While this would make them a great reward to pursue, it also means they have a big impact on game balance. We plan to release more Rooms so if all of those had % stats, it would make the game very unbalanced, making Furniture the largest source of stats in the game. We want Furniture to feel powerful, but not that powerful!

    This is a problem we're actively working on solving, but in the meantime, we didn't want to keep this feature from you any longer! We intend the stat cap to be a temporary solution.

    How long do I have to unlock these slots?
    This is a permanent extension! However, keep in mind that for now you'll have to complete the 12 Days of Holidays Story if you want to unlock the entire room before we add Room Tokens to other areas of the game in the new year

    OK. Now what?
    We're looking at making more rooms available in 2025, adding more ways to earn Room Tokens, and solving the furniture stat problem so we can remove that cap!

    Dorm room to a Dorm house!😎

    But wait...


    We've also added a new set of ads to watch!

    You'll now find short-time reward offers on your home screen from time to time. For this first release, everyone will see offers for cold hard cash! This update is meant to help new players upgrade a little faster early on in the game. The amount of cash you earn does increase with the size of your account, so long-time players may still want to cash in. ; ) As we build out this new feature over the coming months, we'll be adding more rewards geared at seasoned players, so stay tuned!

    She's pointing right at them!

    That's not all though! Here are some important point to keep in mind for these ads:

    πŸ‘‰ These ads will appear randomly throughout your gaming session but do not have a guaranteed time or cadence!

    πŸ‘‰ A max of 3 can be viewed per day

    πŸ‘‰ Like our other ads, these have a rolling 24-hour countdown (If you watch an ad at 11:59 p.m., that ad will count against your total until 24 hours have fully passed.)

    πŸ‘‰ If your ad icon disappears before being watched, you need to wait until the next one! We can't make it appear on command!

    πŸ‘‰ If you are able to Skip Ads due to a subscription, it will work for these ads too!

    πŸ‘‰ Wondering about "re-roll prize"? This won't work just yet, but once we add more rewards, you'll be able to re-roll your reward offer for a small amount of EC!

    Finally, cash rewards are just the beginning... Keep an eye out for any updates regarding these ads and rewards!

    Last but not least...


    That's right. After a long wait, we have added a search bar to your gift screen. While gifting another player, there will be a new search bar to help you find the exact item you're looking for!


    Make sure to spread the word to everyone you know so we can all live easier gifting lives!


    #1 ATAClaptrap, Jun 27, 2024
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2024
  2. One eternity later
    Ande, Rue, j0rdan and 17 others like this.
  3. Okii
    Lxna likes this.
  4. already updated the app days ago and no search bar still 🀨
    LadyFeyre likes this.
  5. I think i would have rather been able to unlock the whole dorm instead of piece by piece but let’s see how this goes first.
    Malsvir, VanGoghAway, Ande and 24 others like this.
  6. I love the gift search bar 🫢
    InkdMedusa, _Keyleth_, Kukki and 10 others like this.
  7. Ok 🌚
    LadyFeyre likes this.
  8. Ok, I dig it.
    Breadie likes this.
  9. Interesting additions. Will we be able to choose which dorm appears on the background of our app?
  10. Reinstalling always do the trick, that’s how I got mine workin’
  11. I got no update option. 🌚
    Barbie_Nunya likes this.
  12. I am excited for the additional dorm, but for it to be teased for so long and not just be released doesn’t sit right with me.
  13. Not just released as in not with an update- having to do tasks to get it
    Malsvir, LadyFeyre, Kukki and 3 others like this.
  14. OMG Thank you for the search bar in the gifts😭😭😭
    xCarmilla, Breadie, SarahTee and 2 others like this.
  15. I can finally put all my other furniture to use and have multiple cute dorms without sacrificing another dorm look πŸ₯Ή literally so happy rn
  16. Finally, thank you Ata for listening to usπŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
    Breadie and PhantastiC like this.
  17. Party is finally in my dorm, kinda
  18. Why not only allow only one percent boost across all dorms for each type of slot, rather than only allowing percent boosts in dorm 1?

    I have a bunch of level 11+ furniture that I don’t like as much anymore and want to move to dorm 2, but I would lose the percent boost and gain nothing. I think a lot of high stat players are in similar situations, which is why you see so many mismatched dorms since they don’t want to lose the bonuses.