Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by HaBaek, Nov 30, 2024.

  1. This thread is to open a discussion with other community members on the (much more expensive) VIP subscription services that have yet to show me that they are worth what I have been paying for over the course of two years. Also to provide feedback because this has been frustrating me for WAY too long. And I have heard the same story from too many other players to not say something.

    So I have been a VIP GOLD member for far too long, given the fact that every set of boxes that I open gives me floors, walls, posters, above desks, or just shards of avatars that literally nobody wants. (Before gold/silver/bronze came out I had regular VIP for many years as well). Those shards then sit on my alt, and nobody buys them, because everyone else is also selling them. It is literally so infuriating to wait a week for the set of boxes that I open to give the exact same floor or single chair or shelf item that I either already have or do not want (again).

    In the event that I win an avatar, it is literally the gender to which I do not ever use.

    There has been avatars sitting in champagne boxes that I have been trying to win for over 4 years— just to win the female avatar next to it.

    I’m tired of being told the drop rates are random, because for over 4 years I have won a lot of random crap that I would never use.

    Any other members feeling the same way, please express how you feel. Detail some things you have won or repeatedly won, or not won to no avail.

    I was hoping to also pitch an idea as a plausible solution that if an avatar is won next to some other avatar that seems like it’s a ‘set duo’ in the same rarity (purple/gold/green) side by side, that it could be swapped via ticket. Because paying for a service and has yet to literally reward anything being sought after is annoying asf. And this has been on my mind for over 3 years, in addition to many other people expressing the same frustration.
    Myth, xGem, Sayuriii and 9 others like this.
  2. You spent over 3yrs angry at a service and still kept paying for it?

    Only got yourself to blame there tbh
  3. ATA wants you to buy more keys to open the boxes... You think you are the priority? Nah money are...
  4. There have been some good things that have come from the service, so obviously I have kept it for a while. I am not here to argue that. Rather create an outlet for discussion. If you have nothing positive to contribute then your comments are not needed.
  5. VIP pays for itself with just the notes. All the rest of the benefits are gravy.
    WhiteWidowBear, HaBaek and Lea like this.
  6. An insult to gravy 😂
  7. It isn't worth it. I like to cite gambling advertising here.

    "Think about what you could be buying instead"

    Save up for a holiday or financial security.

    Nothing on here is "worth" any amount of money. Become f2p.
  8. Yes. Avoid falling for the greedy dev's advances on you. Play for fun
    HarthVanstorm and Yuma like this.
  9. There are plenty free 2 play things on this game in my opinion. The more p2w things such as 100/100 & 105/105% Avis are very fairly p2w pay 2 obtain. If you don’t want to pay then don’t. Nobody’s forcing anything. I just want feed back from those who do pay 🤷‍♂️
  10. For someone who says they are so angry at what they get for their money you sure seem to be defending it alot.

    I say you are either just looking for drama or are a alt of a dev trying to get feedback on stuff. If its the 2nd you would get better and more responses if you posted with your dev acc. And people would be happy to see you are trying to make things better
    HannahLecter likes this.
  11. You asked about the VIP subscription.
    Idk how $100/month could be worth it to you.

    I can think of many things I'd rather spend $100/month on than that. Here are 10.
    1) Paying extra into a mortgage, for one.
    2) Drinks for my friends,
    3) Gym memberships for my friends.
    4) New food
    5) Stuffing it into a term deposit
    6) Investing in stocks
    7) A wardrobe upgrade
    8) Road trip
    9) Upgrades to the house
    10) Donating to charity

    What were the benefits you were discussing?
    Avatars? Furniture?
    Do they make your tap tapping more enjoyable?
    You asked a question and got an answer.

    It is not worth it.

    Your money is better sitting in your bank account than spent on this dumpster fire of a game.

    Remember, your account doesn't belong to you and can be banned without warning, at any time, and you have no legal recourse to recover it.
    It is not an asset. Do not invest into it.
    The more you spend, the less you will enjoy yourself.
  12. I'd just like to reiterate the gambling portion of this reply for a second.

    pimd is a gacha game. most traditional gacha games have the decency to make their drop rates public. pimd does not do that so really, highest tier avis/items could have a 0.00000002% drop rate and people here would still be bankrupting themselves trying get them.

    i just think it's a good idea to remember gambling is a serious addiction but if you do wanna gamble there's definitely better things you could place your bets on. pimd will not fix their system or allow any insight into it because at the end of the day it makes them more money this way.

    i stopped having faith way back when the monthly avis were taken off spinner and put into boxes. literally haven't gotten a drop since lol
    _Pristine_, Ballerina, Muschi and 6 others like this.
  13. It is a virtual subscription for a game. However “angry” you perceive me to be is literally not what this forum is about. Again, another unnecessary comment that adds 0 to a FEEDBACK forum. Talk about seeking drama… lmao you won’t get it here sorry 🤐 And no, not a dev. Yous tweaking
    lustylegend likes this.
  14. Good point. And to be fair the drop rates … I know they don’t kiss and tell but I HAVE won a purple drop rarity at least twice (avatar) from a monthly box— however it was an ugly avatar I would never use. It’s not like the drop rates are impossible it just ALWAYS seems that when I DO win it is the opposite gender or something I would never want. Like lol 😂
    Muschi, HannahLecter and Nicotine like this.
  15. Ok, thanks for the paragraph about how to spend money…. Next 😂
  16. Reminder this is a feedback forum and not a money debate. I’ve had VIP for several years so if I really, truly, desired to not have it, I would’ve cancelled it. It is not that serious, but, for real, I want people that actually have VIP like myself to contribute to this forum— so needless to say, if you have unnecessary comments and don’t even have VIP why you heeeee 🙂‍↔️
    Dolce likes this.
  17. they should definitely give us the option to at least trade for the opposite gender 😔 i am tired of all these male avis i will never useeeee
    HaBaek, HannahLecter and SammiBaby like this.
  18. This this this… 3 in a row in the last week alone 😩
    HaBaek and Dolce like this.
    Snapss and HaBaek like this.
  20. I paid for it a year upfront but i didnt renew your right it isnt worth it and its true its on you to cancel., But i do wish ATA or who ever ownes this game would stop with increasing prices on things everytime they start something like web store first few months it was great now the extras art not as good and specials are more money and get less seems like if they see people are buying they increase costs its really sad cause if you want to get somewhere in game you have to spend money…SAD I wonder how many people go without necessities to play the game..
    -_-Enchantress-_-, HaBaek and Dolce like this.