Private wall 🧱 and reply and voice option and last seen time

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Oo-QueenStrawberry-oO, Dec 2, 2024.

  1. It's always happen for all the members that they block someone on pimd but that person keep stalking or checking their walls and texted their friends if all the members can have 2 wall one private which only friends list can see and another for pub that whenever they send text on pub for buying and selling the stuff they can get text on their business wall so no more we get bother by drama people
    Besides pimd really need reply option in chat box so we can chat easily there and also sometimes it's hard to chat while we are at work or in other place if pimd have VM too we can use it more easy whenever we are out and not able to type we will just record voice.
  2. Your ideas have been heard... please check the updates again in 10 years. :)
  3. That private wall is an intriguing idea.
  4. Voice messaging would be to sketchy. Have you seen what the crazy fucks are like in pub? Way to many pedos ect to risk that
    Muschi likes this.
  5. Also why you on here when you are working? Get off your phone and do your job
    HannahLecter likes this.
  6. Intriguing, but I'm not sure how necessary it is. If they're on your friends list why can't they just PM?
    Exactly, if you need to talk to get it typed out faster, many phones have a voice-to-text option.
    HannahLecter likes this.
  7. No disrespect, but voice messaging has to be one of the worst ideas I’ve seen yet.
  8. Being able to sent images is worse. Pub would be full of dik pics and whatever else the porn bots wanna put