LIMITED-TIME CONTENT Delightful December 🧦☕🧸🧺🪵

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Villanel, Nov 15, 2024.

  1. Why are we getting the same exact content for AN ENTIRE MONTH!? And the 62 coin avis are already in the monthly avi legacy boxes just released. These recolors could have been in Molly’s, and we should have have had new content for the month. So many re-releases in place of new content within such a short timeframe is ridiculous.
    Victoria, Adore, Placebo and 6 others like this.
  2. Oh so staying in but a different color scheme, this is why I’m not playing as much anymore it’s not fun and different sorry😬
  3. loved the recent avatar boxes, but maybe overdoing on bf wasn't a great idea if the hunts after are to be neglected.
    Bellini, Adore, Evangelion and 8 others like this.
  4. These December avatars suck y’all NEED to stop reusing avatars that shit lame November get the new movie WICKED WHILE The LAST MONTH OF THE YEAR GETS THE LEFTOVERS BE SO FR

    FIX your design team
    FIX your support system
    And FIX your game
    C4ITLIN, Bellini, bloodhoney and 10 others like this.
  5. Aaaand this is why I boycotted black Friday and you didn't get a dime from me. More recycling. 🥱
  6. Please stop cooking
    Pahuj and Grenade like this.
  7. Obviously a recycled one but doing the 32 avatar coin guy Avis does that mean this will be the normal or will it go back to just the 2 guy Avis and 4 female Avis? It's pretty unfair for us guys especially when our options are the most expensive and the cheapest!
    MayaTheHopeful likes this.
  8. How are you bringing older things back when you aren't even doing anything with older furniture at all? This is a copy and paste recolor of things that are new, not old. I'm a 4 year old account and I see a recolor of something that came out when I was literally playing???

    Yall look very dumb, people literally tell you things they want, why do you yall go for garbage ideas? So many ideas handed to you but you choose to do the worst, most players pay for this over priced game. Yall are actually embarrassing yourselves for no reason.

    What's the point of taking peoples money for more content if you're just going to disappoint them with it? Hello? Any brains working there or....?
  9. the fact that the spinner squirrel is an exact copy of the one we already have is wild lol
  10. I'm sorry but the repeats are getting disappointing... And this form is very underwhelming in every way. I feel like since I've returned from my year off I just keep getting disappointed. Like... Love y'all and everything you do but damn...

    Not everything has to be a showstopper by any means. Recycling is just disappointing when we're expecting/hoping for something fresh.
  11. Just... why
    MayaTheHopeful and SpicedRum like this.
  12. Okay who at ATA thought “hey you know for December, instead of giving people holiday themed Avis they’d actually buy monthly coins for, let’s re-release some decently-recent recoloured avatars”? I get being scared to tip toe around all the different holidays, and there is already an abundance of Christmas furniture in the shop, but we could’ve gotten a really solid winter theme that didn’t involve skiing for once. And some winter-ready avatars that weren’t half mechanic or starter-looking. You could’ve locked some of the most sought-after stuff behind a monthly coin and monthly furni box paywall and instead you gave us reskins. That MASSIVE lapse in judgment is on whoever greenlit this month’s releases.
    Road, sweetietweetie, Placebo and 4 others like this.
  13. While it’s abundantly clear ATA doesn’t care about the community it’s built anymore, I don’t get why they don’t care about making money. So many of us were anticipating dropping bank to get cute holiday stuff since last year’s December releases were so underwhelming, but you’re pandering to those who haven’t yet been around for years or spent the equivalent of mortgages on these pixels. If y’all are going to release lazy reskins, please wait until a less collectable month like January so we’re not *this* disappointed (again).
  14. We’re asking to bring back stuff that was popular and older….not this 🧍🏻‍♀️
  15. 2024… The year of recycling. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
    nixi3, bloodhoney, Placebo and 3 others like this.
  16. As a spinners set collector, I just want to express how disappointed I am with this remake set. ( It's not like y'all care anyways 😂) But yeah,what a shame.
  17. I know it’s people who are enjoying things they didn’t get in the past.
    I’ve missed out on things, I would’ve like.

    However, part of the game for some is collecting items / Avis you can only get via a certain event.
    If you’re going to bring it back it should just be separate “throwback content” not reworked for a monthly or story pass release.
    Or a “reworked hunt” (Let me not give the team any ideas 🙃)

    Furthermore, because it’s evident old content will be the norm.
    It will be nice to differentiate what is true Exclusive Limited Time items vs
    Limited time but a chance to be brought back.
    Lumi, Placebo, Muschi and 6 others like this.
  18. [​IMG] [​IMG] pls bring these back 😭
  19. wow, now monthly spinners are up for rereleases too? ew. clearly your "limited time content" game is no longer that.

    I understand that pumping out new content consistently is hard. But come on, really? once a month is too much now? I've run a monthly subscription service, and after several years sometimes I feel burned out. But when I'm struggling, I hire temp workers, brain storm with people outside of my team, and outsource if necessary. I don't punish and alienate my existing customer base because I can no longer deliver the service. It's LITERALLY STILL LABELED LIMITED TIME CONTENT. Slapping a (re-release 2024) and new color on it is .... bare minimum and almost gas lighting us into believing it's limited time.

    At least its nice to see Jean warn us- they only have more of this planned for the coming year. At least my wallet will stay full.
    Road, sweetietweetie, Bellini and 5 others like this.