Modmas 2024 💚🎄

Discussion in 'Contests' started by -iLyssaTheGummyBearKissa-, Nov 30, 2024.

  1. [​IMG]

    Merry December! Get excited for back to back to back events!

    Giveaway Info & Rules
    • To enter, post your favorite holiday memory on this thread! (any holiday allowed)
    • One entry per player, no alts allowed
    • Trivia winners can participate**
    • 40 crates will be given out, this may increase if we get extra high participation
    • Giveaway entries can be posted from now until changeover on the 20th
    • Crates will be given out on the 21st of December, assuming there are no complications

    Trivia Info & Rules
    • First correct answer wins
    • Correct spelling only
    Each player can only win one crate from our 19 days of modmas trivia, we want to make sure everyone has a chance to win!****
    • No alts allowed, we will be checking it once and checking it twice! Make sure to stay on the nice list 📝

    Modmas Calendar (TIMES IN EST)
    Dec 1 • Floofie • Criminal Minds @ 4pm
    Dec 2 • Yaya • The 90's @ 9pm
    Dec 3 • Hales • Holiday Movies @ 10pm
    Dec 4 • Doofus • Gemstones @ 6pm
    Dec 5 • Joy • Black & White Animals @ 3am
    Dec 6 • Fayee • Nickelodeon @ 3pm
    Dec 7 • Atlas • Pirates @ 11am
    Dec 8 • BB • Christmas Foods @ 9am (ASIAN CAMPUS)
    Dec 9 • OopsGottaBlast • Star Wars @ 3pm
    Dec 10 • Leigh • Christmas TV Specials @ 5pm
    Dec 11 • Auri • Overwatch 2 @ 2:30pm (Time Change)
    Dec 12 • Sherz • Christmas Riddles @ 3pm (ASIAN CAMPUS)
    Dec 13 • Emarosa • Game of Thrones @ 10pm
    Dec 14 • Elena • Pineapples @ 8pm
    Dec 15 • Rule • Night Sky @3am (ASIAN CAMPUS)
    Dec 16 • Day • Disney @ 11pm
    Dec 17 • Azari • Knights @ 7pm
    Dec 18 • Lyssa • Stardew @ 6pm
    Dec 19 • Defenestration • Broadway Musicals @ 11pm
    Dec 20 • Giveaway Ends 🎁 🎉

    All Questions & Winners


    Giveaway Winners
    Crates were upped to 60 due to high participation!
    Merry Holidays!

    ❄️ (Claimed)
    Ande, Raphtalia, -Anam- and 39 others like this.
  2. can't wait for the trivia! Also when do we can start posting the entries for GiveAway? ☝️👀
  3. Favorite holiday moment took place at my auntie's house on Christmas Eve. Everybody rolled up on island time, like, two hours late, acting like they were the ones waiting on us. Aunty yelling from the kitchen as soon as we walk in, “Eh! No wear your slippers in here, take ’em off at the door!" Meanwhile, Uncle Kekoa’s already five beers in and trying to convince everyone he “helped” with the kalua pig, but we all know the most he did was hand someone a shovel and stand there. The food situation? A hot mess. Auntie Mona showed up with her “famous” potato salad that no one likes but everyone pretends to eat so she doesn’t catch feelings. Cousin Nani forgot to make her poke, so she swung by Foodland last minute and tried to pass it off as homemade. And don’t even get me started on Uncle Lono’s lūʻau stew—it’s always too salty, but if anyone says anything, he sulks in the garage for the rest of the night. Then came the drama with the kids. Kaleo and Pua were running around the living room like wild chickens. Next thing you know, they’re both climbing on the back of the couch, and BAM—they knock over the Christmas tree. Ornaments everywhere. The angel on top? Broke her head clean off. Aunty came storming in, waving her wooden spoon like she was ready to make some real Christmas memories. “You like me decorate you next? Go outside before I make you the star!” lol. But the highlight of the night? Uncle Bobo and his deep-fried turkey disaster. First off, he borrowed the fryer from his “friend” (translation: it’s on loan until the next family party), and second, the turkey wasn’t even thawed all the way. Everyone was side-eyeing him like, “This gonna end badly.” Sure enough, the second he dropped that frozen bird into the hot oil, it went BOOM. Oil sprayed everywhere, flames shot up, and Bobo screamed, “Get da hose! Get da hose!” But Uncle Junior, still holding his beer, just stood there yelling, “Bruh, I told you gotta lower it slow!” Meanwhile, Cousin Leilani’s just standing there recording the whole thing on her phone like she’s about to submit it to the evening news. We finally got the fire out, but the turkey? Looked like someone pulled it out of a volcano. Bobo’s over there brushing off ash like, “It’s just crispy, braddah—extra flavor.” No one touched it, though. We stuck with Aunty's laulau and some random Costco pizza someone brought “just in case.” By the time we sat down to eat, everyone was laughing so hard nobody even cared that the tree was leaning sideways or that Bobo tried to fry the turkey again the next day (and failed again). It was chaos, sure, but that’s just how it is with the family: loud, messy, and no one knows how to act—but at least we always leave with a good story.
  4. Entries can be posted now until Dec 20th at changeover 🙂‍↕️ Will add that in the main thread so no one misses
  5. Thank you mods for hosting! This is such a cute idea! 🩷 good luck to everyone.
    _-Lexine-_, diorhrts and Mythical like this.
  6. Ohhh this is interesting 😺
  7. I'm so excited 😆
  8. My Favorite Holiday moment would be Lunar (Chinese) New Year in my Childhood years (sry oot, but my fam dont do Christmas 😭😭)

    But I remember the Lunar New Year back then would be bustling with Joy n People! We'll have family members (that I've never even know we had before) come to our house to celebrate (my oldest grandma stay at my house so big event will be celebrated there).

    I'd greet everyone just so I could get red pockets 🧧 (lol, no kids could say no to free pocket money, am I right 😂😂). My mom n aunties will cook tons of food, we'd eventually have BBQ Night after.

    Me n the other kids runs around at the Day n play card at night to gamble our collected red pocket money (bad for kids, ik, but it was tradition kay 😂)
    We'll also snoop on others to see who get the most money (since sometimes relative miss 1 or 2 of us)

    and it all happens in the span of a week, like what else could I ask? 1 week of no school, tons of food, tons of playing, tons of money (money addict in the making), and just staying at home all day.

    but after my mid year n covid, we rarely do big celebrations anymore, since my oldest grandma passed n no ones around anymore, we still do BBQ night tho, to preserve the tradition, but I really wish, if I could, maybe, feel the bustling of Lunar New Year again, that'd be nice ❤️🧧🧨🎇
  9. my favorite holiday memory would have to be chinese/lunar new years of 2019! that year my family and i flew across the states to spend it with my grandparents and extended family. we went to multiple temples (even in the rain) to pay our respects and i still vividly remember the vibes and bustle of everyone around us. i’ve always loved being able to be in tune with my culture and that year specifically was so much fun! that was probably the last time i’ve seen so much of my family together over the holidays and it’s definitely one i’ll never forget ❤️
    kkami, Hales, Mesha and 3 others like this.
  10. Cute idea 💜 it's hard to pick just one for me, but taking my daughters to see a ton of Christmas lights is always nice, even as they get older and find new interests or think they're too cool for me, they look forward to doing stuff like that with me still. Happy holidays ❤️💚
    Hales, Mythical and Rule like this.
  11. One of my best Easter memories has to be from a few years back at my grandparents' house. We started the day with this super fun Easter egg hunt that my grandpa set up. He hid the eggs in the craziest spots, so it was like a real adventure for all of us 😂.

    After we found all the eggs, we had this awesome brunch, and my grandma's cinnamon rolls were the absolute best. Then we went to church for a special Easter service, which was really nice and made us all feel connected. The day ended with us just chilling, sharing funny stories, and enjoying being together. It was the perfect mix of fun, food, and family vibes.
  12. I dont have a lot of uh happy holiday memories, and my best fren knows this so one year she wanted to make me happy and sent me crimmas gifts.

    Among the gifts were a blanket that ive been using religiously since, and a unicorn plushie thats the perfect hugable size. It’s been at least 2 years and I have not slept a single night without Phee (the unicorn) right next to me, I even brought her to Greece during a vacation 🌝

    Hales, Grinchyyyyy, Mythical and 2 others like this.
  13. My ‘favourite’ (cripplingly embarrassing) holiday moment was on Christmas Eve when my sister’s wife was going to open an early present. My sister said can you pass over the big box and I, absent mindedly, said
    “what, the air fryer?” And then died.
    Everyone thought it was funny and she really liked the air fryer 😭
    Psyche, Nim, Hales and 7 others like this.
  14. My favorite holiday memory is from 2018 waking up early on Christmas morning. The house was filled with the smell of freshly baked cinnamon rolls. The room sparkled with lights and carefully hung ornaments. As my family gathered around the tree, the excitement of unwrapping gifts filled the air. I remember a specific moment when I received a gift I had been hoping for—a beautiful, sturdy bookshelf. It was more than just a piece of furniture; it symbolized support for my love of books and the thoughtfulness of my family. My dad helped me set it up while everyone else sipped hot cocoa and shared stories. The laughter, the warmth of the fireplace, and the joy of being surrounded by loved ones made the day magical. Even as the days have wore on, this particular memory has stayed vivid—the sound of the everyone laughing, the colorful wrapping paper scattered across the floor, and the simple togetherness that made it all so special. The day ended with a family dinner filled with traditional dishes, and we all sat around the table, grateful for the time spent together. That combination of love, warmth, and tradition has stayed with me as one of my most cherished memories. ❤️❤️
    Psyche, Hales, Grinchyyyyy and 3 others like this.
  15. Idk about my favorite memory, but it's a funny one. I was maybe 6 or so and my grandmother took me shopping to get my parents a gift. My silly little child mind thought my mother would absolutely LOVE a VHS copy of a White Men Can't Jump 🤣🤣
    Green, Hales, Grinchyyyyy and 3 others like this.
  16. My favorite memory is way back in 2013 on the Saint Nicholas' day - 6th December. (I was 13y old)
    As a background, if you wish for anything in the night between the 5th and 6th, it will be granted on the 6th, only if you had been a good kid in that year.
    A few days before 6th, we had to get out our cat from our apartment because of our landlord. The whole block had the rules of no animals, but most of our neighbors had. We were unlucky for an inspection.
    You can imagine how sad I was.
    Because of that, on the night of 5th i wished with all my little soul for my cat to be back with us. I LOVE cats and I couldnt bare she was out in the cold and very scared.
    So the day of Saint Nicholas came - we were given fruits and sweets. But my mom wasn't home that morning. Oh well, it looks like that my mom was looking for that cat all the way to the the basement of the block!! (we weren't allowed there lol).
    She came back a few hours later with our cat.
    You can't IMAGINE how surprised I was as my wish was granted. That was the first time that my wish was granted since I started to walk. I yelled "THATS MY WISH, THATS MY WISH", then I hugged the cat (as miserable as she was) and my mom. My family started to laugh at my statement (i would have laughed too).
    After some years, my mom told me that I was actually speaking when I made the wish and she heard me LOL. I still thank my mom for her kindness, and I think my cat was grateful for my mom too. All that day felt magical, together as a complete family.
    And until this day I still believe some magic is happening in the world, with a bit of "luck". ❤️
    Hales, Grinchyyyyy, Mythical and 2 others like this.
  17. This has to be my favourite memory of all times. One Christmas, my siblings and I stayed up late wrapping gifts for our parents. We laughed quietly as we tried to make each package look perfect, even though we were far from experts. When we finally finished, we collapsed on the couch, exhausted but happy. The next morning, we watched our parents’ faces light up as they unwrapped the gifts we’d carefully chosen for them. It warmed my heart. Nothing can make you happier when you see your parents smile at all the little things you do for them. It was a small, simple moment, but the joy of giving and being together made it one of the best Christmases I can remember.
  18. My fav holiday memory would def be my Halloween wedding 🎃💒
    We got married outside at a park next to the lake, on a crisp halloween afternoon. I wore a pumpkin themed suit and my spooky bride wore a bat themed dress. 🎃 🦇 kissing them and saying I do will forever be my favorite memory, and I love that it was on Halloween. Our favorite holiday. 🖤
    Ladyyy, GhostieBoi, Hales and 3 others like this.
  19. My favorite holiday day, would have to be Halloween, i remember a couple of years ago, we would have a Halloween party/event Every day for all of the Hard of hearing/Deaf kids and I was apart of that community, and we would have so much fun being able to make our own littel hunted theme, or create our own costumes and do the makeup. It was just joy all already and I'll never forget those years, just being able to be carefree and having fun and watching the kids in the community being able to express themselves through sign language, such a beautiful sight.
    Green, Hales, Mythical and 2 others like this.