Alt deletion rampage?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by OizysChaos, Nov 25, 2024.


Have you recently had an alt account banned?

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  1. Helloooooooo,
    I'm just wondering if others are also suffering from the banning of their alt accounts? Specially alt accounts that are active and connected to an email address.

    TOU seems to be very vague on the amount of alts one can have, especially if they are banning active alts without a given reason.

    Any clarification would be amazing.
    Malsvir, Noblesse, Perdita and 6 others like this.
  2. Yes, ATA had a huge alt ban recently. It appears people with 60ish alts had most of not all of them banned. They mention in ToU that having a manageable number of alts is allowed, but too many is a bannable offense.
    CamiCarie, Muschi and Victoria like this.
  3. But also people with just five alts are getting banned. That doesn't seem like an unreasonable number. If they're all linked on real emails and being used, it feels odd that they're getting banned.
    CamiCarie, Dolcezza, Styx and 6 others like this.
  4. I would guess that anyone with fewer accounts that also saw bans were potentially using apps/bots to manage their accounts, as that is a pretty clear indicator that they have more accounts than are "reasonable manageable" for them.
    Quick refresher:

    "You may not do any of the following to Party In My Dorm:
    4. use any robot, spider, site search/retrieval application, or other device to play Party In My Dorm
    5. frame Party In My Dorm or reformat them in any way
    6. create and/or use accounts through automated means or under false pretenses. This includes (but is not limited to) the creation of accounts with the intent of disrupting the gameplay experience of others, abusing and/or manipulating game elements, or engaging in activities that violate the Terms of Use.
    7. create an excessive number of accounts beyond that which are realisticly playable
    create accounts by providing false information, or using devices that you do not own
    8. use accounts that do not belong to you"
  5. Just coz they are active it doesnt mean its realistically manageable. Bots are used daily
  6. I have couple of alts that still have ecs and cats on them but i dont even remember the email... too lazy to email ATA...
  7. I just had all my alts banned today. 🙃
    I never used them to harm anyone or to scam. One of my joys in this game was to build my own club, make it pretty, do parties with them, give them cute dorms... I used most FOR YEARS.
    I never used my stats to make massive sells. I kept them or gifted to friends. I didn't sold the furniture I got from there, I used it to grow or to help friends. I worked my ass off there to help my friends and make them smile when I could give them a hunt a furniture or some shards.
    That's what I loved about this money sucking, more and more p2w game. I LOVED my alts. not because they gave but I spent time on them. I spent the time to choose their names, to get avi for them, to make the perfect rs for them, ect. Introvert's fun I get it but still. That was pimd for me.
    And it ALL was taken away from me in one night.
    So dearest ATA, screw you. I understand your mission" To ban scammers and all but under the " Hurting TO" excuse, you kill off everything what a person enjoyed here. Those alts were like my family. And y'all just banned them...
    Y'all said once " Make as many alts as you want and can use". People did it. Now going back on your words and blocking with an unknown reason? Shame on y'all.
    This game just got ruined for me.
  8. my 2 alts got banned today even with the 2factor verification is success. Does alt nowadays forbidden!? PLS ENLIGHTENED US ATA DEV!!
    Styx, Malsvir, Noblesse and 2 others like this.
    iJoshyBoo, Malsvir, Hangee and 2 others like this.
  10. Wow i don't know if this thing is real... how many alts you guys have actually? I don't get a ban on my alts tho...
    Styx likes this.
  11. The only thing that i remember from the rule back then was... if you r going back and forth changing account in ONE device... your account will get banned...

    So... is that what happened?
  12. Nahh that got ditched years ago
    Everliora, Muschi, Lea and 1 other person like this.
  13. The bots farming for misc is a huge issue and I, for one, am thankful ATA is finally addressing. If you’re using bots, it’s against ToU. No matter how much enjoyment you get from them.
    Alan, Manipulative, Muschi and 2 others like this.
  14. Bots and Alts are different tho. Bots are ONLY for farming them. Alts are accs what you use like your main. You don't enjoy bots, but you can love your Alts.
  15. So you’re saying you manually played 50+ accounts? Without technological assistance?
    Muschi likes this.
  16. There’s no set amount for “realistically playable”. It can be a bit different in each case.

    If you were given a message that mentioned “no appeals”, this is why your ticket is not being answered.

    To my understanding bans were not only given for bot accounts. There were various reasons.
    Muschi likes this.
  17. Ban their mains too
    Kefo, Mythical and V_Witchy_101 like this.
  18. We are talking about people who don't use bots. Who are being told you can't have an alt because "you are transferring resources" which would technically be anyone using an alt to hold your EC or flash clubs.

    And then given absolutely no way to get your account back other than automated messages.

    With the amount of money people put into this game, it's unacceptable to say "sorry you gave your main items from your alt, you're banned now"
  19. that really why they doing it .when they do it themselves
  20. Yes. I logged in each manually. Never ever used any kind of help. It took hours sometimes but I made the time for them.
    CalientePapito likes this.