CURRENT EVENT 🌕 The Moonbright Harvest 🌕

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Villanel, Nov 1, 2024.

  1. 🥬 🥬 🥬 it is
    nixi3 likes this.
  2. who asked for this...
  3. I’m actually a fan of the lumberjack skin!
  4. Y'all be complaining about EVERY SINGLE EVENT, just let it be. They do what they do and y'all are still here playing the game, so grow up and stop being so mean to the ata team🤦‍♀️
    Unicornio, MadMax181, Vespid and 7 others like this.
  5. yall complain no matter what, youre boring. dont like it ? leave n quit moaning. yall try come up with something new every two weeks n see how long you last
    Vespid, Lite, Haze_ and 1 other person like this.
  6. Talking as if it isn’t their job and they’re getting paid 😂
    Dolcezza, Vespid, Aly and 3 others like this.
  7. It’s alright… coulda done this a wee bit better… and maybe NOT right before BF… would’ve loved to t100/10 🫠
  8. I like the idea,not sure about all of the avis being elf themed.
    MayaTheHopeful and Mythical like this.
  9. It's fine
    It's not awful & it's not amazeball spectacular
    Just your average autumn themed hunt & that's perfectly okay.
    I've legit never seen a perfect hunt where nobody complained 🤷🏻‍♀️
    Mythical, Reee and Robin like this.
  10. I'm guessing there won't be a third and fourth side story, seeing as there are only three sets of avis. I'd have liked a fourth set.
  11. Some bull
  12. Please have an ec date cash boost for black friday I have 450ecs to burn and Im a woman who knows what she wants damn it (im still salty from last year’s bf)
  13. Lmaoo
  14. Unlike previous hunts when you would open the timer boxes and lite boxes to get shards and hunt items to get rewarded tier items. Out of everything I opened I only gotten 1 furniture, no shards whatsoever. Is it a glitch or just something new now?
  15. I noticed that too, the smaller hunt threw me off too. But then I realized why they did it:
    1. Due to the timing of Halloween, it threw off the hunt lengths.
    2. This hunt puts changeover back on Tuesdays like it originally was.
    3. Had they made this as a 2 week BF hunt, it would've ended on BF at c/o. Which means it would cut off before the BF Promo weekend. And starting BF hunt on BF isn't the most ideal way to go about things.

    And some people may say "why not just extend it then again?" And the answer: For the community. PIMD expresses that they dislike longer or extended hunts. At a certain point during the hunts, many people start to get bored & tired of the hunt and want a different one already.
    I feel this 11 day hunt is a nice time for us to refresh & reset before one of the biggest events of pimd: BLACK FRIDAY!!!!🖤🔥 A smaller hunt that we havent had in a while, it'll be nice. So if you don't like this hunt, that's totally okay. This hunt isnt for everyone. Save your money & prepare for what's next to come!🎟💳

    To ATA: I think the avis for this hunt are pretty cute & it's a shame I can't LB due to irl stuff. Some aspects of the furniture do feel recycled. As for the misc, you nailed it. They're so adorable & have put a little smile on my face during this hard time.
    I can't wait to see what you have in store for BF, I hope it's one of the best. I'm ready🖤
  16. Only good female avi is the box one and seeing as how I'm never lucky with boxes I won't get it
  17. The dice cash boost for club boxes would be nice to have for bf too 🌚
    Dolcezza likes this.
  18. Does anyone know how to obtain that sofa? I don’t see it anywhere in game!