"Open all" button for timer boxes.

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by MelaninMagic, Nov 11, 2024.


Do you agree?

  1. Yes

    33 vote(s)
  2. No

    3 vote(s)
  1. Now that there's a "skip" button for the speed ups, I would like to request an "open all" button for the timer boxes.
    Depending on; how many speed ups you have of course and the most recent boxes need to be opened first.
    Timers tend to pile up I know someone with 3k boxes.

    What can also be done is when a hunt ends, the boxes for that specific hunt opens.
    What do you think?
    Bill-Stump and Juicy_lips69 like this.
  2. pls, there's not even a skip on Android 😔
  3. Mine got it just the other day, it's coming for you 😔

    Open all might be too much for the system to handle but even an open 5 or open 10 would be nice.

    Or bring back those Gold/Silver/Bronze boxes for us to exchange them for
    Juicy_lips69, Rosalia and Victoria like this.
  4. I think that the skip button was just added, so it’s best to wait to see if this implementation helps over time or if more intervention.

    Open all is definitely not likely, imagine 1k+ boxes being opened at a time 🫣 I think sadly 5-10 at a time may have the same effect unless a cooldown is added.
  5. But if open all was a feature, wouldn't it pool all the items together? That would be ideal.
    Rosalia and Victoria like this.
  6. It would in theory yes, but I think the code would still need to remove all the boxes from your inventory, randomize the drop, then redistribute them in your inventory?

    I’m not a dev so I can’t confirm if this is how their function executes, but I don’t think you can remove the potential issues of lag.

    Especially if multiple players open thousands at the same time.
  7. I voted no purely coz im sick of seeing this posted 3748575938484985939385939594938 times
  8. Fuuuck no. I save up my boxes for collectathon. I dont want a auto open. That would fuck me right off constantly tbh
  9. For these speed up reward boxes pls bro I can't open 8k boxes😔
    HannahLecter likes this.
  10. Also even if it's not an "open all" button, an "open amount" would be great js. Opening boxes 5-10 at a time would be amazing & probably mess up less idk
    Juicy_lips69 and HannahLecter like this.
  11. OK I love the first attempt at making opening boxes better. But really, when we click open the box, I would think it opened the box and flashed what was received and closes, with just one click. Why do we still have click 3 times? Open the box should do it all for us. And can we get a "open 5 boxes" or "open all" and after the boxes open they just flash for like 5 seconds what was received?
    Juicy_lips69 and HannahLecter like this.
  12. I agree, pressing once to open a box and see all the flashes appear, then to click once more to close the window would be way smoother.

    Opening at least 10 at a time would be awesome too.

    Rn it just feels like a cookie clicker to open boxes