NEW CONTENT πŸŽ‰ (TRIAL RUN) Weekend Getaway and Mansion Mayhem πŸŽ‰

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [ATA]Villanel, Oct 31, 2024.

  1. You only got a key if you had earned a Daily XC coin within the past week
    Mythical and DontGiveASam like this.
  2. ATA can’t give a definitive answer because it’s a case-by-case. It’s similar to who can hit on invite parties. You’re not gonna get an answer for this (so sorry ig).
  3. Bumping in support of these suggestions for our shared issues with Mansion Mayhem. Especially admire the inclusion of alternate suggestions to target the same issue. I like the idea behind the small stats being required to hit a bar to provide the collaborative spirit as well. This post by Witchee is on Page 12 with 40 Likes. Please Like it there if you support these proposed suggestions to improve Mansion Mayhem! Let’s show ATA what we want this game to become.
    Perdita, I_dunno, Mythical and 4 others like this.
  4. For all the players in this thread, we wanted to say thank you for taking the time to give Mansion Mayhem a try and then leave your extensive feedback! We will consider all these comments as we iterate on this party.
    Breadie, CapedClown, MiMi13 and 10 others like this.
  5. Love to hear that!

    I would be very interested in doing another trial after the team makes some adjustments and to have the chance to provide feedback on that before official release. πŸ‘€
    CapedClown, Perdita, Mythical and 5 others like this.
  6. You keep your suggestions to yourself πŸ™„. Devs have thought it through they aren't foolsπŸ™„
    Breadie, Perdita, 3 and 7 others like this.
  8. First, kudos for trying something new and different. Thank you for working towards harder, more engaging challenges for the game. This test certainly had a lot of hiccups, which is only to be expected when introducing complicated new features.

    This is definitely complicated. The amount of coordination and communication required errs towards stressful at best, insurmountable at worst. In fact, I was unable to participate in the party myself, because dropping 60 keys took much longer than I had planned for, and I ended up having to leave. I have read through the thread, and I got to experience some of the chaos in club chat.


    1. instead of 15mins party load time, give clubs 15mins to drop as many keys as possible; party rewards scale based on amount of keys dropped
    ie. 1-15 keys dropped, +5%; 16-30 keys, +10%; 45-60 keys, +15%; 60+ keys, +20%

    alternatively to dropping keys while party loads, perhaps easier to develop, keys function similarly to party jams, where using a key extends the party time; the longer the party lasts, the larger the bonus
    ie. keys=5mins each: 1-15 keys dropped, 5-75mins party length, +5%; 16-30 keys, 80-130min, +10%; 45-60 keys, 225-300mins, +15%; 60+ keys, +20%
    max party time 5hrs + base time set for 1st key to be dropped(5mins?)

    reason- players are accustomed to 15mins start times; gives a definitive start time allowing players to coordinate their game play with their real lives; allows for a reasonable margin of error that still makes the game a fun experience

    2. remove "lights on"; alternatively, require a minimum number of key droppers to purchase the item

    reason: you just made everyone show up all at once for a party, 1 person ending it with an item will cause endless conflict; reasonable margin of error; game, fun
    Ayse, Rosalia, iMoan and 5 others like this.
  9. I joined and tested this party on the first day of launch and here's some of my observations.

    1. Strong accounts doesn't even need to drop keys because they are needed to finish the party. They get free party because they are necessary to push the Flirt bar which can become unfair in the future. Unless the club makes some rules.

    2. Drop the bass and dance bar is not moving as it only shows single digit damage. The 5 min timer should be for the whole party not individually and should be visible or we receive notification like usual parties because we are so lost on what to do πŸ˜†πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ so drop the bass should be a one time dropping only for all and not one time drop individually.

    3. We should have been notified on who needs to turn on the lights πŸ˜‚ it's a chaos really. Because we thought we're be gonna stuck as so many people tried to turn on the lights but nothing happened 😭

    Overall the drops are amazing ❀️ if we can purchase the keys I don't think the quantity can be hindrance. I just hope the bento market will be not greedy about this. 😭 We are dropping 22 invis to get 800+ max drops so for this 3k plus of drops... just compute πŸ˜†
  10. What are you doing
    Perdita and V_Witchy_101 like this.
  11. I like the time idea for sure. I feel like it might engage more members to get involved in this particular party. Everyone matters essentially.
  12. I've heard someone say that they got a key from a box, is that something that can happen?
  13. I don't know where else to say this, hope ata see this
    The New skip button on opening the box is almost pointless, would been 100% better if it put on the bottom, same line as the opening box button instead of up high on the screen
    iMoan, Chandyrawrr, Alaska and 9 others like this.
  14. πŸ†™
    Pterodactyl, Sully, Lea and 2 others like this.
  15. So tiring
  16. You should give everyone free boxs keys and bentos
    Dolcezza likes this.
  17. Of course all you can think about is bentos scammer. How are you not of this platform yet Deanna?