[WINNERS] Drawtober 2024

Discussion in 'Contests' started by Day, Nov 8, 2024.

  1. Drawtober 2024 Winners

    Hi, all of you! Sorry for the wait on this announcement, we had a ton of amazing entries to go through with our judges.

    After 5 amazing years of this event, Phobia and I would like to say thank you to everyone who has participated and supported us throughout the years. This event means a lot to both of us, and we hope to continue to help you all have a platform for sharing your creative spirit in the coming years.

    Mod Favorites

    Selected by @Azari

    Selected by @bb

    Selected by @Defenstration

    Selected by @-iLyssaTheGummyBearKissa-

    Selected by @Jaws

    Selected by @Leigh

    Selected by @Molly-Mae

    Selected by @Rule

    Random Selection Winners


    Prizes will be sent out shortly!
    We want to thank everyone again for participating in this year’s Drawtober! Hope to see you next year <3
  2. Congratulations winners! 💚
    Nyxar, Phobia and Day like this.
  3. Ty for hosting 🫶🏻
    Day and Phobia like this.
  4. Yaaayyyy thank you so much! I'm so glad I got selected and congrats to everyone else that won as well✨️
    Day and Phobia like this.
  5. Thank you so much!!!
    Day and Phobia like this.
  6. Waaaah. Thank you so much! 😭. Congrats to everyone who got selected. 💕
    Day and Phobia like this.
  7. Congratulations to all the winners! 💗
    Day, Phobia and _-Lexine-_ like this.
  8. Congrats everyone😄 thanks for having random selection winner idea for this year's drawtober🙏 and thankyou for hosting!
    Day and Phobia like this.
  9. Congratulations to all the winners🥳
    Day and Phobia like this.
  10. Especially to my gorgeous friend @Aeri welll dsurvvv🥰
    Day, Phobia and Aeri like this.
  11. Congratulations to all the winners!! 💜 This was so much fun! 🙈 Ty again for hosting!!
    Day and Phobia like this.
  12. Thank you very much for the random selection reward, and also for hosting
    This was such a fun contest <3
    And also congratulations to all the winners too
    Day and Phobia like this.
  13. Thank you all and congrats to the winners!
    Day and Phobia like this.
  14. TYFH! And congrats to all da winners 🥳❤️
    Day and Phobia like this.
  15. Congratulations everyone!! 💖💖💖
    Day and Phobia like this.
  16. Congratulations!!!!!!
    Day and Phobia like this.
  17. Congratulations !! 💜💜
    Day and Phobia like this.
  18. 🥹 Thank you so much but BB YOU SHOULD'VE WON TOO 😭😭 your dragon is the cutest ever 💕
    Day and Phobia like this.
  19. Thank you for hosting and @Jaws for choosing me as your favorite 💗
    Congratulations to everyone!
    Day and Phobia like this.
  20. Congrats to everyone🫶🏽🥳
    Day likes this.