UPDATE ๐ŸŽƒTrick or Treat This Halloween!๐ŸŽƒ

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Oct 21, 2024.

  1. If anybody has a really good game, like, reallyyy good, for me to transfer to, please give me all the suggestions.
    Pahuj, Breadie and Mythical like this.
  2. I got a random bar drop from a dog party two days ago so it might be still dropping but who knows with ata shenanigans
  3. Event ended but you can still use your candy for 6 more days I barely got any candies at all even with ec parties lmfao
    Breadie and PurplePegasus like this.
  4. So...uhh....still disappointed with this whole thing. My club runs an average of roughly 200+ parties in any given hunt. I'm active and hit several parties a day. I've managed to collect an astounding 316 candies. Not even halfway to just a box. Biggest Halloween let down of an event on this game in my 11 years of playing hands down goes to this dumpster fire of an event.
  5. I had 429 candies left, never got enough to even get a single decor box. Like there's nothing I could buy with that since I have the avis, so I had to buy 49 furni boxes that I will never open
  6. *42 ignore the typo
    Opioid likes this.
  7. There are over 300 comments here from all of us trying to get ATA to understand that even though the idea was good, the execution was beyond terrible and disappointing. Prices for rewards were unrealistically high while the drops from each party were extremely low and the cherry on top the candy bars were too rare. Like I mentioned before I had done at least 10 flashes and was in and out of invite clubs and I got no bar. I also used the x8 boost 4 times and I got about 11k candy in total. Imagine other people that were doing more flashes for lb and hopping into more clubs and still not earning one. The other part is the majority of our community is in potd clubs and they werenโ€™t even able to get anything besides the 2 stat items and maybe 1-2 of the really cheap Avis. The least that ATA could have done is either lower the price for the rewards or let us trade our candy. I wrote a ticket and they basically told me to mention this in forums which I had earlier but here I am again.
    Pahuj, Dibella, TurdFerguson and 8 others like this.
  8. The event sucked! I got 1 bar on my other acc few days ago. And then the event was over. Wtf am i supposed to do with 1 bar? And people looking for 55๐Ÿฑ for the bar if i want to buy. I don't even have that many bento. And i can't even get 6k drops cus I'm not gonna spend my money on this cash grabber. There's zero drop percentage on the candy bars. Some people never got a bar throughout the entire event. Atleast a guaranteed bar drop for every player would've made more sense. It's ridiculous and nonsensical!
  9. Back at it again with an angry post -

    Explain this ATA. Why did we extend the time the shop is open, and not the amount of time to earn drops? You stopped tricky treats dropping from parties days ago so actually never gave us any more of a chance than to begin. All you did was give us a longer time to cash in the few we scraped together. Probably one of the worst events in PIMD history lmao. ๐Ÿ˜พ