NEW CONTENT 🎉 (TRIAL RUN) Weekend Getaway and Mansion Mayhem 🎉

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [ATA]Villanel, Oct 31, 2024.

  1. [​IMG]


    ⭐️⭐️⭐️ This is not your usual type of Party! Please read this post carefully to make sure you've got all the important details! ⭐️⭐️⭐️

    - This trial will run from Thursday Nov 7 at 9am PST to Friday Nov 8 at 3pm PST
    - In this Party, only the strongest players will be able to hit the Flirt bar!
    - Hit the Drop The Bass bar for 5 minutes after activating the Drop The Bass buff from Molly's. Without this buff, your hits will fail and take energy
    - To end the Drop The Bass bar you need the Lights On item, which can only be purchased by someone who still has the Drop The Boss buff active. Plan accordingly!

    - Drop The Bass and Lights On items are free, they do not cost Cash or EC

    New Party!

    We're thrilled to introduce a brand-new party experience, packed with rewards and designed to enhance club coordination!

    The party will be available to start for 30 hours between Thursday 9am (PST) and Friday 3pm (PST)

    Here's why you won’t want to miss out:

    Stronger Club Coordination! – Work closely with your club members to make the most of this unique party.

    💰 Big Rewards – Enjoy better-than-Premium-Party plunder and event drops without requiring an EC drop item!

    🎉 Drop The Bass – You can hit the Drop The Bass bar for 5 minutes, as much as you'd like! Massive plunder!

    🎊 After Party Buff – Once the party is over, everyone receives a 20% Plunder buff for 2 hours, perfect for those who want to keep the celebration going!

    This is PIMD's hardest party yet! It's going to give a challenge to your Club and you'll want to make sure to strategize and coordinate with all your Club members! Gather your strong members and make sure to bring your A-game!

    Weekend Getaway

    ⭐️ TRIAL RUN ⭐️

    This first run is a TRIAL RUN!

    This week only, we will send FREE Party Rental Keys to your mailboxes to start the party! Once the party is officially implemented into the game, players will need to collect 60 Party Rental Keys from the Daily XCs during the week to start the party, Mansion Mayhem!

    When will the Party Rental Keys given out?

    Party Rental Keys will be handed out on Thursday, Nov 7th at 9am (PST)

    Every player who has completed at least 1 Daily XC tier after October 30 will get a key!

    For this trial, after the party is over, all unused keys will be removed from player inventories.

    When can Clubs start the Mansion Mayhem Party?
    The party will be available to start for 30 hours between Thursday 9am (PST) and Friday 3pm (PST)

    ⭐️ OFFICIAL RUN ⭐️

    When it officially starts, how will we earn keys?
    When we officially launch, players will earn keys to start Mansion Mayhem by completing Daily XC tiers between Monday and Friday at 11am (PST)! Remember that your club needs 60 Party Rental Keys to start the party!

    Mansion Mayhem


    How does the Club start the Mansion Mayhem Party?
    The Club must drop 60 Party Rental Keys to begin the party. Due to this requirement, most Clubs can usually only host one party per week!

    What are the different parts of the Mansion Mayhem Party?

    ⭐️ Part 1: Start the Party! ⭐️
    Clubs need 60 Party Rental Keys to initiate the party!

    ⭐️ Part 2: Flirt! ⭐️
    This bar is HARD! Make sure to get your strongest members ready to hit this bar together!

    - If you're not strong enough, your hits will fail!

    ⭐️ Part 3: Vibe! ⭐️
    All hands on deck! With constant damage and a lot of health, you'll want everyone in the Club to help fill the bar. Every participant's contribution counts, and attacks are guaranteed to hit! Maximum effort!

    ⭐️ Part 4: Drop The Bass! ⭐️
    It's Dance Party time! Players will need to buy the "Drop the Bass" buff from Molly’s to be able to hit this bar, and each player can only buy this only once! Once you purchase the "Drop the Bass" buff, you’ll have 5 minutes to Dance as much as you want!

    - Hitting the bar without having Drop The Bass ready will fail automatically AND cost you energy!
    - Make sure you don't claim the Drop the Bass buff before you're ready to Dance! You can only get it once and you'll lose your chance to participate!

    When your Club has had their fill, designate one member of your Club to turn on the lights and end the dance party! After everyone else has finished Dropping the Bass and danced their heart's out, the last player in the party should buy and use the "Lights On, Party's Over" item. Once this item is used, it will instantly finish the bar and allow the Club to finish the Party!

    - You only need 'Lights On, Party's Over' item ONCE and once it is dropped, the bar ends and no more people can hit it, even if they have Drop The Bass active.
    - You can only use 'Lights On, Party's Over' when your Drop The Bass buff is active! Make sure the last person knows to use the item within their 5 minute window!
    - If you don't drop 'Lights On, Party's Over' you may fail the party!

    ⭐️ Part 5: Dance Finale! ⭐️
    Extra hits to finish the party off and celebrate!


    This is all new and we're very excited to get everyone trying this and seeing what you think! Your feedback will help us iterate on this party format to make it even better for the future official release!

    #1 [ATA]Villanel, Oct 31, 2024
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2024
  2. Who tf asked for this…can yall pay attention to what the community wants…maybe finish the dorm room update
  3. Oof yall are just failing
  4. What the… 😐 more of what we don’t want
  5. Define strongest players please? How many mcs do we need to be?
    885236, Cryshtoon, Baobao and 108 others like this.
  6. literally this lmao
  7. i’m sorry this a joke give us saved forms already
    Baobao, sIug, kinkii and 29 others like this.
  8. Sounds awful. Hopefully the execution is better, however it’s literally just more and more stuff for people to buy… Now everyone gotta buy a “buff” to be able to hit a bar for 5 minutes. 💀
  9. Interesting. What kind of plunder can we expect to get?
  10. dorms*
    Dolcezza, sIug, kinkii and 13 others like this.
  11. Do you want a boycott? Cause I’ve been seeing boycott in a lot of your posts, and I’m just waiting for the boycott banners to start flying here too. Where’s my popcorn.
    MiniMedic89, Help, Baobao and 77 others like this.
  12. How much is the buff? Is it ecs or cash? Please provide more details. Thanks.
  13. Yall complaining already but fail to understand that with the new dorms, there are alot of bigger players in game. And especially with BF 2024 going into the promos in 2025. The average isnt 200-300mcs. Bigger players take up lots of hits and maybe tired of the same old, same old. If im here for 10yrs on end and 800mcs, and hard parties are being done with less than hour if not, 20mins. It gets boring and repetitive. This is only a trail run, so if it works out then it works. Even us regular sized players want a challenge too. It seems to be an exclusive type of party so isnt an average potd/ppotd party, so therefore doesnt need to be initiated if anyone small cant hit it. Its ANOTHER option to have. Stop complaining and let the creators try to make their fun with this. Thank you
  14. At this point I think ur terminating the game in porpuse and are just trynna squeeze the last drop of cash from the money tree. Cause there's no way. First an horrible October month, then a horrible Halloween event, and then you went with a recycle sp, and now you come with this? Who asked for this? Work on your glitches instead for God sake....
  15. Lol what 😭
  16. Already a no
    Titanicbuff1, Female, Pahuj and 11 others like this.
  17. Idk how to feel about this
  18. I can't even put into words (kind words) how I really feel. Smh whoever actually asked for this idk what kinda drugs u were on.