STORY PASS 🧚 My Fairy (Dorm)Mother - Rewinded 🧚

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Oct 23, 2024.

  1. Tbh if they would've recycled the Hades one ppl would've been mad at that too. I know I would have.
  2. The monthly theme, this hunt, the shards, and the previous hunt are all targeted toward Halloween. We even have ghost avis for Halloween.
    SierraStarlet and Ayse like this.
  3. They could at least make it possible to buy a few different story passes if people wanted them, just like how they brought back old furni boxes and shard boxes.
  4. Just stop recycling in general. Where’s the exclusivity? You guys are making more money than ever before so you cut jobs and reuse stuff? Ugly stuff at that. I never complain on here but bfr. Yknow hm shards i’ve skipped recently cause im like- meh they’ll prob come back eventually anywei. You guys are lowering your own sales. Why not at least a halloween sp idgi
    SierraStarlet, -May-, Adalia and 8 others like this.
  5. I regret buying it again since I did it like 4y ago. Would have prefer one that was much older maybe. 😡
    Placebo likes this.
  6. The only things that change are colour and % of combined stats.
    Mythical likes this.
  7. ATA if you’re going to give us old stuff, can you release a bundle of all the bookcases that old dormsets never came with? Silver Scream, Summer Daze etc. Now THAT is something I’d pay for.
    bean_ie, SierraStarlet, -May- and 4 others like this.
  8. How did you think this would land😂
  9. You're kidding right? I'm sorry but I'm not going to sit back and ask ever so politely and hopefully they'll do something about it because that doesn't work. This is a company that has the obligation to their community to provide content and let us not forget - enjoyment. This is a game. A GAME. If it's not fun or enjoyable then clearly something is wrong.

    Guess what, it's the COMPANY'S JOB to take care of the community and listen to it, if they would listen, give a response, apologize, or even inform players of what the hell is going on, they wouldn't be getting insulted. May I add, people being upset because the game isn't fair and saying ata is greedy isn't an insult, it's a fair point. Devs are profit driven and that's fine, people expect that to a degree. Pushing those limits should be, and is, called out.

    I've stopped spending months ago, and through the last THREE YEARS I've had an account I've perm deleted, and this account where I've taken half year breaks, why? Because I've been unhappy with this game, I come back to talk to a few people and that's the only reason.

    Feeling upset at ata isn't a new thing and if you think it is, you're naive.

    And yes, some players want reruns of certain content, don't know if you were here for the original event but I was. It wasn't even popular the first run. You've got people in this very forum post talking about story passes they would've loved to see rerun instead, and guess what? That's also not a new feeling, those were the most popular and theme appropriate for Halloween.

    People are giving constructive criticism, tons of it actually. The community is saying what they would like to see and how they would like it done, members have given tons of hunt themes, ideas, event ideas, drop ideas, distribution ideas and even more to ata, they submit surveys that show what they want and you know what happens? They aren't listened to.

    Boycotting is a tried and true way to get a company's attention, and I'm sorry you feel like that's too much, but a lot of people don't. So I'd like to invite you to share what ideas you have to remedy this situation since clearly we're all in the wrong for thinking that way. As an old player, I've seen what works and what doesn't, and sitting on our thumbs hoping for the best? That doesn't work, not here, not now, not ever.
  10. Also, tell me one player right now who's happy these are the avis that came back out of all of them.
  11. [​IMG]
    SierraStarlet, -May-, Chemach and 6 others like this.
  12. Now you know they would never do that 😹 they love pissing ppl off they wouldn't never do something ppl would actually like for them to do.
    Adalia, FastForward, Mythical and 3 others like this.
  13. Literally.. As long as the whales keep spending money they're gonna keep doing the bare minimum. Also what ppl are saying in forums not matching the energy they have in game 🫢 cough they're buying the story pass anyway cough
    -May-, FastForward, Mythical and 2 others like this.
  14. If only you read before answering, you would realize that I also said that not even the first time this SP came out, people were happy with it. Like... If only you had read, before answering, you would have noticed that we have gone through the profiles of those who are calling for a boycott or some of those who are more aggressive and… Guess what? They have the VIP version of the SP. So, I guess you'll agree with me: insult ATA, ask others to boycott it and then buy the SP, for real money or for bentoes from someone else who bought it for real money before IS USELESS. It is an objective fact. Just as you will agree with the fact that hours after my post there has still been no response, therefore, you will agree with me again: descending to insults and threats DOESN'T WORK. It ends up that we are the ones who end up in the wrong. I was taught that you can get your point across without writing insults or being rude. Always. If you don't get a response, at least you're right. If you go to the movies and you don't like the movie, do you write insults and threats to the director? If you get a bad grade at school, do you write insults and threats to the teachers?
  15. disappointment
    Adalia and Placebo like this.
  16. People also came in here saying they bought it before realizing what it was and wanted refunds for it, did you miss that part?
    Whether you like it or not the community isn't happy. And guess what? If you don't agree with the measures the community is proposing, don't get involved. Let people feel the way they feel especially when it's for a reason like this. You don't get to dictate or make others feel bad for a justifiable reaction.

    And you know what, I reread the posts in this forum. You either have incredibly thin skin or or an entirely different definition of threats and insults. Pointing out bad behavior and talking about it isn't an insult, and boycotting isn't a "threat", it's an action.

    I've reread your message several times while answering and you've never mentioned that people were unhappy with this story pass first time around. If it's not this long message here, when please link it so I can see. Because I am actively looking at and responding to a message where you aren't talking about something you're saying I missed.
    Boycotting isn't useless, I'm not sure why you think that nor am I sure why you're so adamantly defending it.

    And once more, you never answered my question. So please, how would you fix it.
  17. While this topic is extremely frustrating for most players, please remember to be respectful and use appropriate language while discussing.

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on the matter, and we can all be mindful of how we speak to one another.
  18. Don’t give her attention, it’s all she wants. 😭 Fangurl wanna be a mod someday or get some cookies handled to her by ata.