UPDATE 🎃Trick or Treat This Halloween!🎃

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Oct 21, 2024.

  1. I lived in a invite club and did all ec parties this hunt and not getting the ghost avis. Quite ridiculous tbh.
  2. I’m get this so pg even tho I want to literally rip someone’s head off rn. You guys have ruined Halloween this year so badly that people are fr contemplating quitting completely. Atleast multiple people I’ve spoken to. This is so embarrassing for you guys and for us chasing these ridiculous avis and candy bars. I saved bentos to buy the story pass because it was the only thing I was actually looking forward to after the cluster frick of the candies, and yall couldn’t come up ONE story pass idea??? We only get 3 story passes a year?!! What the literally frick frack is that dude? A huge disappointment and I’m done spending money on this stupid game. I hope others are too.
  3. Also.....when we have special drops like this (and even story pass drops), it would be nice if pro dropped more than potd. Isn't logical to have pros drop more main hunt and side story drops than a regular party but drop the same amount of special drops.
  4. lol, a month.

    I think we might be able to get away with a day at best. Cancel all flashes, all bbbs, all spending for 1 day.

    Seems like ATA has decided to retroactively correct drops for parties completed the 1st day before changes were made. I am grateful they've decided to do that. I flashed heavy that 1st day before realizing the rate of parties that did not drop candies was atrocious. The avatars now feel more like the intended "ultra rare" (like a really expensive 499 or 999) rather than a impossibility, with the changes.

    I'm still not a fan of the metrics. I still think it has done more to encourage bots and black market than entertain the average player. I would still rather have had a pvp Halloween event (I know I'm in the minority🤭). But with the changes, i see the original intent better.

    Because they only release recycled content created after they were sold.

    The day the recycle a leaderboad avatar though... I may put the game down forever.
  5. hey! i just wanna point out, even if a decent percentage of people stop spending/cancel their subscriptions etc., it still makes a major difference in their profits. i don't expect everyone to boycott but every single one counts.

    i've seen some major regular spenders say they've chosen to boycott in the last few days. i didn't have a lot of faith either but i think ata actually managed to piss people off enough this time
  6. Please stop being greedy, want to buy 2 Candy Bars for 70b. I blame ATA for this.
    LeeJarrett likes this.
  7. If yall aren’t going to make the candy bar drop rate better(I have done 6 flashes and 3 byos and got nothing including being in 2 invite clubs) can we at least have the regular candy be tradeable? Like you can barely get anything while doing flashes and ec parties… how do you expect your players from Potd clubs to be able to get rewards besides the 2 cheaper Avis and the stats… Not to mention the candy drops aren’t enough as well but anyway. It’s frustrating that we are all trying to get you to see reason for this…
  8. Kind of upsetting how they bring back Malice in Wonderland avis for the second year in a row but won’t give us a full set of the other two event avis they decided to rerelease. I waited a whole year for a female avi to hopefully rerelease, since they started doing so, due to losing it on an old account, yet they only release the male avi from the set? Beyond disappointed. Missed the entire point of a rerelease.
  9. Just a friendly reminder that ATA has several other apps that has several thousand players spending money on them, so money really isn't an issue for them.

    I won't argue that boycotting is an effective way to get their attention, I just feel that you're taking pennies away from them. But, I'll support and encourage your decision to not spend on PIMD nonetheless.

    That being said, I don't think we should just give pimd a rating of 1 star. If anything, I would give all their apps 1 star. They might not be the same devs for every game, but they're still from the same company either way.

    And if you didn't know, they have a newer app game called Happy Campers that looks awful.

    At least, I certainly wouldn't download it. Just my thoughts.
    LeeJarrett likes this.
  10. Happy campers is cute. It's an easy, idle game where your little chibi self runs around the camp ground and then you hover in one spot to complete tasks. The art style is similar to the new item icons update we just got. I haven't played too far into the game, but I haven't felt pushed or even prompted to spend money. I'm actually not sure what spending money does to improve game experience tbh. The game seems mostly funded by quick ads, all updates/purchases I've encountered were either free or ad powered. Atm, there are no socialization features at all in the game, so it's very different from the other ATA games. Potentially makes it more kid friendly, though that could change.
    CapedClown likes this.
  11. Main and alt in ec clubs and can't even get one candy bar drop for my birthday tf is this crap👩‍🦯
    LeeJarrett and Mythical like this.
  12. So.. is candy bar only limited to ec parties or does it also drop from normal parties as well?
  13. It's supposed to be able to drop from regular parties, but I've never seen it or heard of it happening
  14. My alt got one when fake art was potd
  15. Most of us still haven't got a chocolate bar from parties 😵‍💫 and we've been hitting since event started, I don't believe its random drops cus I haven't seen 1 chocolate bar at all while others are getting so many?? And I am not spending 30b on 1 bar just to get the cat misc lmao, this really could have been a great mini event if candies were increased and a more % chance at getting chocolate bars. Smh worst event ever 😵‍💫
  16. It’s a gold chocolate bar at this rate 💀😂✋
    LeeJarrett, Victoria and Dibella like this.
  17. Literally 🤣🤣
  18. How come the female candy Avis are higher stats then the guy Avis? Is it how they look or what? The guys constantly get screwed on the guy Avis especially the monthly ones when we get only 2 options while females get 4 options
  19. I barely finished collecting those drops. Got them very last minute this year.
  20. Ridiculous. Still absolutely ridiculous. The candy bar drops are still selling for 50🍱 each, and people who have done a crapton of parties (flashers and lbh) haven't gotten a single bar. They are way too rare. I'm really thinking of quitting, but I don't have a rebound.
    Breadie, Mythical and CapedClown like this.