STORY PASS 🧚 My Fairy (Dorm)Mother - Rewinded 🧚

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Oct 23, 2024.

  1. Say you hate your community without saying it.
  2. #Epicfail
    bean_ie, Ydun, xXSunshineXx and 12 others like this.
  3. They are.. repeat
  4. Well done being lazy and re-releasing an old storypass, this is officially the worst Halloween event and proof Ata don't care about us or the state of the game. Congratulations! πŸ€—
    Nekomiml, CaseOhh, bean_ie and 42 others like this.
  5. If you were gonna recycle a story pass couldn't y'all have at least done the one with Persephone and Hades so we could get those cute Cerberus avis? 😭 This wasn't even a good story pass the first time you released it. 😭
    Nekomiml, bean_ie, Ronan and 59 others like this.
  6. Omg seriously recycling story pass now πŸ˜’
  7. spending boycott is looking more tempting
    by the day. thanks for making it easy ATA 🫢
  8. Kinda crazy ata delayed this post and let ppl unknowingly buy recolored Avis. If you’re going to reuse content from past hints users deserve a discount for receiving the same content again.
    marly_marls, bean_ie, Sayu and 30 others like this.
  9. Y’all really recycled this garbage. Everyone needs to stop spending money on this game until they actually put work into what we are spending our money on πŸ—‘οΈ
  10. Atp it seems like ata just hate us lol
  11. Boo…this is garage. Seriously guys? πŸ˜’
    bean_ie, iLuna, SierraStarlet and 6 others like this.
  12. proud of you Ata, again πŸ‘πŸ»
    Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo likes this.
  13. Whyyyyyy😭, I can't believe I wasted my money buying ecs for this πŸ˜‘
  14. Why bring back one of the least popular passes
    bean_ie, xXSunshineXx, Noonz and 15 others like this.
  15. How to kill your game in one month 101
    bean_ie, Ronan, LoveTKO and 29 others like this.
  16. Watch them come back when they switch out the hunt box shards for the year. πŸ˜‚
  17. At least do the 3 headed dog sp avi. I don't have that one.