[GIVEAWAY] With Love, The Mods: A Crate-tacular Giveaway!

Discussion in 'Contests' started by Day, Sep 17, 2024.

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  1. I love this game ! Because everyday I meet new people from different countries an cultures an understanding them more I am so greaful for this online flat form game I meant my new best friend on this is an amazing game an I love a competition game to always try my best to be on top an I’m inlove with every new hunt events an rewards an sharing my goals with people
    Day and flameSy like this.
  2. My favorite thing about ATA games is the people that I've met. I've met some of my closest friends from Witch Arcana and Pimd, and it's fun when you get to create a community. 💗
    Day and flameSy like this.
  3. Personally the fact I like most about PIMD is the way this game made it possible for me to meet so many beautiful human beings. I’ve made more than one very good friend here which I still regularly talk to on a very personal basis and I’ve made so many nice and funny memories with all of them. I love to remember these times so whenever I go play pimd I’ll get back into all these positive emotions and it just makes my day a lot better! I even met my better half here. I think she’s my twin, which got lost at birth or something 😭😂 still planing on visiting her once I can afford it 🙏🏻😍
    Day and flameSy like this.
  4. Give away? I doubt in that .
  5. My favorite thing about PIMD is that I get to meet people from different parts of the world and build such meaningful relationships with them.
    Additionally, one thing that really piqued my interest is the customization options of the game. I get to personalize my character's appearance and decorate my dorm room to suit my style. It feels like I'm creating my own little world within the game.
    flameSy and Day like this.
  6. My Favorite things about the game is:-
    2. Hunt
    3. Chatting
    4. roleplay
    5. meet real people
    6. Gifts
    8. Public chat
    flameSy and Day like this.
  7. My favorite thing about pimd is clubs and the different kind of people you meet!! I look forward to the new hunts each time and how you get to show your creativity through decorating your dorm and choosing a cute avi🤍
    flameSy and Day like this.
  8. I love pimd a lot i multi task 😁 I work and I be here in this game the whole day pimd is the best game I've come across thanks team for making this game
    flameSy and Day like this.
  9. My favorite game is PIMD because in this game I met new people's beyond the world and some of them are my good friends now even we met in real life also. I like the gifts and Avas also of this game.
    flameSy and Day like this.
  10. My favorite things about pimd and other ATA game, are the lovely avi, cute misc, the stat items I could collect every hunt. On crossover event, where I raised a lot of cute dragons, I meet new friends, my alliance, they're very nice. Also, the best part is I could make meet new people, participate in many events that I could earn rewards from. I'm really thankful to ATA community, the mods and game developer for making this game. I'm not really active because of school but I'd find time to come online. The game is fun. I'm happy to be apart of ATA community.🩷
    flameSy and Day like this.
  11. My favorite about pimd is the cross over avatars from other ata games :) having good friends was the best part of them. Missing my old friends that quitted already tho.
    flameSy and Day like this.
  12. The fact that PIMD is easy for me to navigate is my favorite thing about it. Another is the interaction with others from around the world and with that creating some friendships.
    flameSy and Day like this.
  13. My favorite thing about PIMD is that I’m able to express my gift giving love language towards my rs/gf irl whether it be through buying her furnitures, opening new shard boxes, gifting hunt ec gifts, or giving her cute stats.
    Day and flameSy like this.
  14. PIMD has been my go-to escape, a vibrant game where I've met amazing people and experienced a whirlwind of emotions. My favorite part is the social interaction—it’s where I've formed lasting friendships and shared countless memorable moments.

    Through the years, this game has been more than just fun; it’s been a learning journey. I've faced challenges, felt joy, and even stress, but each moment taught me something new, especially about understanding people better.

    In essence, Party in My Dorm is a delightful blend of fun and growth, making my virtual college life truly unforgettable.

    Shoutout to my inactive clubmates from Alley One 😍 I miss you guys stay safe.
    Day and flameSy like this.
  15. PIMD

    This unique game combines elements of social interaction, strategy, and creativity, making it an engaging experience for players of all ages. My fondness for PIMD stems from years ago when I started playing I loved every minute I got to spend in the game. The one thing that draws me in is its vibrant and welcoming community. sharing their experiences, tips, and insights. Whether it’s forming a club, participating in events, or trading items, the social aspect of PIMD creates a dynamic environment where friendships can blossom. Moreover, PIMD offers a depth of gameplay that keeps me coming back for more it requires strategic thinking and planning.I find it incredibly rewarding, and it fuels my passion for the game. Another reason I find PIMD so appealing is the creative freedom it offers. Players can customize their avatars allows players to create a unique identity within the game also the developers of PIMD are committed to enhancing the player experience through continuous updates and improvements. They listen to community feedback, ensuring that the game evolves in ways that reflect the desires of its players. Also One of the most significant ways PIMD has contributed to my mental health is by PIMD offers a delightful escape from the pressures of daily life it provides a break from stress so my experience with PIMD has been more than just a source of entertainment; it has positively impacted my mental health in various ways. Through the sense of community it fosters, the healthy escape it provides, the cognitive engagement it encourages, the creative expression it nurtures, and the structure it offers, PIMD has become a valuable tool for enhancing my well-being. As I continue to navigate the complexities of life, I am grateful for the support and joy that this game brings, making it an important part of my mental health journey.
    flameSy and Day like this.
  16. My fave part of the game is the community especially the ppl I met and bonded in real life thru this game. Waiting for black friday hunt and more promos. The avis are giving me a boost to collect them more 💗
    flameSy and Day like this.
  17. The most important thing about this game is that it has opened my horizons to many people all across the world. And have spent the last decade on the game paving real relationships with people who I now consider great pals. I enjoy the constant goals and the endless things you can do, and I enjoy and celebrate each person's own unique takes on their profiles and Dorms
    flameSy and Day like this.
  18. My favourite thing about PIMD is…

    I have played this game for almost 6 years, each hunt brings an element of excitement not knowing what the hunt is going to contain ie; hot avis, cute misc, nice dorm furni. I have met some amazing people on the game from all over the world, some I have been friends with more or less since I started playing and am still friends with now, I have been with my current RS for around 4 years only breaking RS to participate in Valentine’s Day RS compatibility test.

    I am literally addicted to this game, I don’t think I could stop playing even if I wanted too I have never had a break ever since I started playing, I enjoy the story passes, shard boxes and birthstone avatars.

    In conclusion to my experience on PIMD it is the best game that I have ever played and the only game I have spent years playing. Thanks to ATA Developers and Mods for doing a great job, keep up the good work.
    Elena and flameSy like this.
  19. Hello! My favorite thing about PIMD are the people. Some of my best friends I’ve made here and it’s amazing how we can connect so deeply, even though we were brought up in different cultures and backgrounds.

    These types of friends really give me a break from my real life, and gives me the sense of security I often times need.

    Hopefully luck is on my side this time! Thanks for this giveaway, y’all are amazing 🫶🏻
    Elena and flameSy like this.
  20. Was it supposed to be one favorite thing? I got something but hesitant to upload it 😂🤦🏾‍♀️
    flameSy likes this.
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