[GIVEAWAY] With Love, The Mods: A Crate-tacular Giveaway!

Discussion in 'Contests' started by Day, Sep 17, 2024.

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  1. So many things changed as the game progresses, but my favourite part is having an escape in reality through this game. I love to meet new people and having conversations with them especially during pandemic. The game's interface have been bettet throught the years. The designs of avis and dorms are better but sometimes it depends on the event. I always loved it when there is a surprise promo! To more years with you PIMD 🫶🏻 mods and devs are working hard too. When life gives you lemons, just play PIMD 🫡❤️
    SomChai and Day like this.
  2. Been playing for 6 years, my favourite part is the creativity on the designs of avis and furnis. Also meeting a bunch of amazing people in ec clubs, potd clubs and flash clubs is always refreshing. Keep up the good work ATA! Special thanks to the mods who organized this contest ❤️‍🔥
    SomChai and Day like this.
  3. My favorite thing about PIMD is the friendships that I made in this game. Collecting stuffs and avatars excites me every time a new hunt is up. Loving the dorm designs and xc's too. The best part is having an amazing rs (a big shoutout to Bri) that supports in game and in real life. Keep up the good job ATA. Thanks to the loving mods for sponsoring this contest. Stay safe and play well, everyone. 🙌🏻
    SomChai and Day like this.
  4. I like the trading and upgrading. It's very strategic and fun
    Day and SomChai like this.
  5. What game I love the most is PIMD, I love this game because of the unique dorms that they make it makes me excited everytime a change over will happen. I always stay up late just to wait what theme will be next. This game fits to me since I love decorating rooms and because of PIMD I met new friends.

    Thanks a lot and more memories to come ❤️
    Fayee and SomChai like this.
  6. OMG I love PIMD! ,I'm absolutely obsessed with PIMD!
    I live for the new hunts, avatar drops, and furniture releases - they're always so exciting! I love showcasing my creativity and often sell some of my favorite items to make room for the latest additions. Decorating my dorm is my jam🤩🤩!
    PIMD's inclusive vibe, diverse community, and constant updates keep me hooked. It's more than just a game - it's a place to connect, express myself, and make amazing friends.💝💖
    Huge shoutout to ATA and the mods for creating this awesome community!👏👏💫
    IGN: [LucyRose]
    SomChai and Fayee like this.
  7. After 10 years of playing "PIMD," what I love most is the fun it brings. This game isn’t just about upgrading your dorm, it’s a place to make real friends. The community vibe is amazing—whether you're in a club or not, there’s always a sense of connection.

    The art in the game is another highlight. The furniture, avatars, and pets are all super creative and let you show off your style. Collecting furniture and designing my dorm feels personal and fun, making it feel rewarding.

    Even after many years, I am still always coming back as the friends I've made here are the best friends I could ask for.

    Thank you for everyone I've known or going to meet in the future. Love you all for all that you've given me. I hope we will all continue to enjoy this game. Keep smiling always. May miracles come your way😊
    Deceive, Lea, SomChai and 1 other person like this.
  8. My favourite thing about this game is the people!! I use it mainly to chat and hang out and I’ve met some really incredible friends. Some of which I’ve now had for over four years. 💕💕
    SomChai and Fayee like this.
  9. It says light colored fonts. I used ones very visible. Thanks.
  10. I've got to say the most biggest thing about being on PIMD is that it helps me cope with the loss of my mom back then. It helps me tremendously, in being positive in life and surrounding myself with amazing people that I've met along the way. ❤️

    It definitely gave me a point of focus in life, whereby I can just escape to a safe zone and have fun- knowing everyone and anyone from all walks of life. I've made tons of good friends who eventually left but the amount of amazing people never differs still.


    In every game, there is a good and bad aspect to it. Over time, this game helps me to grow and learn to filter my options- as to whom I want to be a part of my life. I'm blessed to come across every single one of you and to be able to have keepsakes of memories.

    Thank you ATA for the opportunities and keeping it a safe zone regularly. ❤️

    Defenestration, Joy and SomChai like this.
  11. Played for years and have come back multiple times! This is my third time back! Really love playing and making new friends ☺️ really does keep my mind off life and help me though alot❤️ thanks ATA for making this game with love
    Joy and SomChai like this.
  12. What I love the most about this game is the connection we are able to create with other people from all around the world. For me, that was the reason I started playing a few years ago.
    And of course I love the avis, the furniture, the misc but I love even more the people I've met on here and the friendships we've made. And I'm really thankful that we had this opportunity.
    Because that's what the game's about - to have fun playing it with your friends and enjoy the moments you share together while doing so. 😊
    Joy and SomChai like this.
  13. My favourite thing will always be spinner items!!! They are my favourite thing to collect *wink wink* *nudge nudge* Plus the avatars… but would’ve loved it more to have won the raffle 😩
    Joy and SomChai like this.
  14. My favorite things about pimd are the friendships built and the chase to build the perfect dorm and and getting the perfect avi. I'm still waiting on that Jaws themed hunt with the Quint avi though.
    Joy and SomChai like this.
  15. My favorite thing about PIMD would be simply conversing with people from various places, backgrounds, ideas, interests, etc. Whether I’m talking to someone just one time or multiple times over many “chapters” of my PIMD story, I find myself growing and developing from such instances. It’s just neat finding a shared viewpoint or understanding with people who supposedly couldn’t be more different from yourself.

    I would say shared goals(partying, teams in pvp hunts, community challenges, etc ) and aesthetics(avis, dorms, stats items etc) aid a lot in facilitating the formation of these bonds. I find it interesting to see some reasons posted here why others stay on or return to pimd are the same reasons as me but just a different order/priority!
    Joy and SomChai like this.
  16. My favorite part of pimd is the dorms because of my interest in interior desiging. The variety of furniture available allows me to be creative in designing them. The avatars are also becoming more detailed, which is great! Thanks to the designers for their awesome work!
    Joy and SomChai like this.
  17. Well, my favorite thing about PIMD. I actually am honestly confused on what to say after everyone here posted their fav thing which also somehow goes along with mine.. I wanted mine to be unique but there's not much left in there, so here goes.
    I started playing PIMD as a suggestion from my friend and while initially it was just to handle the depression i was going through, as i picked up the game in a few days, I started enjoying the social element of this game more than anything else.
    I met an amazing pup who unfortunately isn't with us anymore. I have had a bunch of crazy amazing tuts and loving rs-es over the course of years who, almost 95% of them are still in good touch and the same bond as before with me.
    It even went on to the extent of me meeting up with 8 of them in my real life, in various places around the world (India, Taiwan, Canada and USA), which I honestly wouldn't have dreamt of ever 10 years ago.
    PIMD also helped strengthen my English language a lot, the people completely changed my character and behaviour for the better. I learnt a lot from a lot of people on how to be nice, kind and good to everyone. That's the only reason that keeps me going even after 8 years in the game.
    SomChai likes this.
  18. I've been playing PIMD for more than 10 years now and I tried to quit numerous times already but i always end up coming back. Why???


    PIMD have everything that i like.

    First are the cute furnis!! I love hoarding furnis so i have lots of option when i enter the design my room contest.

    Second are the cute Misc like animal misc i love showing them off on my starred item 😂

    Last and the most important thing is the friends and family that we created here. For that 10 years i met a lot of people that i treasured so much and some of them even became God Parents of my baby 😂

    Other will think it's just a game but for some of us PIMD became our reality where we meet some of the most important person of our lives.
    SomChai and BIair like this.
  19. My favorite thing about PIMD is the friends we make a long the way. While the Internet is filled with ugly and hate, PIMD has brought me many people I care deeply for, especially my forever person, Joker. If ata gave me nothing else, it gave me him ❤️
    SomChai and BIair like this.
  20. My fav thing about pimd is meeting new people and building friendship
    Hunting cute misc and searching for furniture to make dorm look cooler
    Also avatars love collectiing and always hoping ata makes some awesome avatars.
    SomChai and BIair like this.
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